Final CAT Tech Spec Released

2018 October 30th

On October 30, 2018, the participants of the CAT NMS Plan (ā€œParticipantsā€) published the final version of theĀ CAT Reporting Technical Specifications for Industry MembersĀ (ā€œTechnical Specificationsā€). This version incorporates industry feedback submitted to the Participants since publication of the Version 0.6 draft published on September 5, 2018. No further material changes to the Technical Specifications are planned for publication before the November 15, 2019 CAT implementation date.

Industry Members should note that the Participants have created a separate companion document to be used in conjunction with the Technical Specifications, theĀ CAT Reporting Scenarios for Industry MembersĀ (ā€œReporting Scenariosā€). The Reporting Scenarios document contains detailed reporting guidance on how to report various equity and options order handling and execution scenarios. This document will be updated periodically as new scenarios are presented to the Participants. The Reporting Scenarios document is subject to the same Operating Committee approval process as the Technical Specifications. The reporting scenarios section of the Technical Specifications has been removed in lieu of this new companion document.

The participants have also published two new CAT Alerts related to these Technical Specifications which may be found at the following links:

CAT Alert 2018-002: Industry Member Technical Specification Publication Announcement

CAT Alert 2018-003: IMID usage in order routing events