Pre-Trade Appendix
Appendix – EventCommunication Category
News Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = B |
Component | ApplicationSequenceControl | N | |
1472 | NewsID | N | Unique identifer for News message |
Component | NewsRefGrp | N | News items referenced by this News message |
1473 | NewsCategory | N | |
1474 | LanguageCode | N | Used to optionally specify the national language used for the News item. |
42 | OrigTime | N | |
61 | Urgency | N | |
148 | Headline | Y | Specifies the headline text |
358 | EncodedHeadlineLen | N | Must be set if EncodedHeadline field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
359 | EncodedHeadline | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Headline field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field. |
Component | RoutingGrp | N | |
1301 | MarketID | N | Used to optionally specify the market to which this News applies. |
1300 | MarketSegmentID | N | Used to optionally specify the market segment to which this News applies. |
Component | InstrmtGrp | N | Specifies the number of repeating symbols (instruments) specified |
Component | InstrmtLegGrp | N | |
Component | UndInstrmtGrp | N | Number of underlyings |
Component | LinesOfTextGrp | Y | Specifies the number of repeating lines of text specified |
149 | URLLink | N | A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) link to additional information (i.e. |
95 | RawDataLength | N | |
96 | RawData | N | |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
Email Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = C |
164 | EmailThreadID | Y | Unique identifier for the email message thread |
94 | EmailType | Y | |
42 | OrigTime | N | |
147 | Subject | Y | Specifies the Subject text |
356 | EncodedSubjectLen | N | Must be set if EncodedSubject field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
357 | EncodedSubject | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Subject field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field. |
Component | RoutingGrp | N | |
Component | InstrmtGrp | N | Specifies the number of repeating symbols (instruments) specified |
Component | UndInstrmtGrp | N | Number of underlyings |
Component | InstrmtLegGrp | N | |
37 | OrderID | N | |
11 | ClOrdID | N | |
Component | LinesOfTextGrp | Y | Specifies the number of repeating lines of text specified |
95 | RawDataLength | N | |
96 | RawData | N | |
Component | AttachmentGrp | N | |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
33 | NoLinesOfText | N | |
→58 | Text | Y | Repeating field, number of instances defined in LinesOfText |
→354 | EncodedTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedText field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
→355 | EncodedText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field. |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1475 | NoNewsRefIDs | N | |
→1476 | NewsRefID | N | Required if NoNewsRefIDs(2144) > 0. News item being referenced. |
→1477 | NewsRefType | N | Type of reference. |
Appendix – Indication Category
IOI Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = 6 |
Component | ApplicationSequenceControl | N | |
23 | IOIID | Y | |
28 | IOITransType | Y | |
26 | IOIRefID | N | Required for Cancel and Replace IOITransType messages |
Component | Instrument | Y | Insert here the set of Instrument(symbology) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages |
Component | InstrumentExtension | N | |
Component | Parties | N | Insert here the set of Parties(firm identification) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages. |
Component | FinancingDetails | N | Insert here the set of FinancingDetails(symbology) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages |
Component | UndInstrmtGrp | N | Number of underlyings |
Component | RelatedInstrumentGrp | N | |
54 | Side | Y | Side of Indication Valid subset of values: 1 = Buy 2 = Sell 7 = Undisclosed B = As Defined (for multilegs) C = Opposite (for multilegs) |
854 | QtyType | N | |
Component | OrderQtyData | N | Insert here the set of Instrument(symbology) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages The value zero is used if NoLegs repeating group is used Applicable if needed to express CashOrder Qty (tag 152) |
27 | IOIQty | Y | The value zero is used if NoLegs repeating group is used |
15 | Currency | N | |
2897 | CurrencyCodeSource | N | |
Component | Stipulations | N | Insert here the set of Stipulations(symbology) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages |
Component | InstrmtLegIOIGrp | N | Required for multileg IOIs |
423 | PriceType | N | |
Component | PriceQualifierGrp | N | |
44 | Price | N | |
62 | ValidUntilTime | N | |
25 | IOIQltyInd | N | |
130 | IOINaturalFlag | N | |
Component | IOIQualGrp | N | Required if any IOIQualifiers are specified. Indicates the number of repeating IOIQualifiers. |
58 | Text | N | |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedText field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
355 | EncodedText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field. |
60 | TransactTime | N | |
149 | URLLink | N | A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) link to additional information (i.e. |
Component | RoutingGrp | N | |
Component | SpreadOrBenchmarkCurveData | N | Insert here the set of SpreadOrBenchmarkCurveData(Fixed Income spread or benchmark curve) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages |
Component | RelativeValueGrp | N | |
Component | YieldData | N | |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
Advertisement Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = 7 |
2 | AdvId | Y | |
5 | AdvTransType | Y | |
3 | AdvRefID | N | Required for Cancel and Replace AdvTransType messages |
Component | Instrument | Y | Insert here the set of Instrument(symbology) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages |
Component | InstrumentExtension | N | |
Component | FinancingDetails | N | |
Component | InstrmtLegGrp | N | Number of legs Identifies a Multi-leg Execution if present and non-zero. |
Component | UndInstrmtGrp | N | Number of underlyings |
Component | RelatedInstrumentGrp | N | |
4 | AdvSide | Y | |
53 | Quantity | Y | |
854 | QtyType | N | |
44 | Price | N | |
15 | Currency | N | |
2897 | CurrencyCodeSource | N | |
75 | TradeDate | N | |
60 | TransactTime | N | |
58 | Text | N | |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedText field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
355 | EncodedText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field. |
149 | URLLink | N | A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) link to additional information (i.e. |
30 | LastMkt | N | |
336 | TradingSessionID | N | |
625 | TradingSessionSubID | N | |
Component | RoutingGrp | N | |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
CrossRequest Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = DS |
2672 | CrossRequestID | Y | Unique identifier for cross request message. |
1301 | MarketID | N | |
1300 | MarketSegmentID | N | |
Component | Instrument | Y | |
38 | OrderQty | N | Can be used to announce a maximum quantity that is subject to crossing. |
376 | ComplianceID | N | |
2404 | ComplianceText | N | |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
CrossRequestAck Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = DT |
2672 | CrossRequestID | Y | Unique identifier for the cross request message being confirmed. |
1301 | MarketID | N | |
1300 | MarketSegmentID | N | |
Component | Instrument | Y | |
38 | OrderQty | N | |
376 | ComplianceID | N | |
2404 | ComplianceText | N | |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
199 | NoIOIQualifiers | N | |
→104 | IOIQualifier | N | Required if NoIOIQualifiers > 0 |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
555 | NoLegs | N | |
→Component | InstrumentLeg | N | Required for multileg IOIs For Swaps one leg is Buy and other leg is Sell |
→682 | LegIOIQty | N | Required for multileg IOIs and for each leg. |
→Component | LegStipulations | N |
Appendix – MarketData Category
StreamAssignmentRequest Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = CC |
1497 | StreamAsgnReqID | Y | Unique identifier of the request. |
1498 | StreamAsgnReqType | Y | Type of assignment being requested. |
Component | StrmAsgnReqGrp | Y | Assignment requests |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
StreamAssignmentReport Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = CD |
1501 | StreamAsgnRptID | Y | Unique identifier of the Stream Assignment Report. |
1498 | StreamAsgnReqType | N | Required if report is being sent in response to a StreamAssignmentRequest. The value should be the same as the value in the corresponding request. |
1497 | StreamAsgnReqID | N | Conditionally required if Stream Assignment Report is being sent in response to a StreamAssignmentRequest(MsgType=CC). Not required for unsolicited stream assignments. |
Component | StrmAsgnRptGrp | N | Stream assignments |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
StreamAssignmentReportACK Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = CE |
1503 | StreamAsgnAckType | Y | |
1501 | StreamAsgnRptID | Y | |
1502 | StreamAsgnRejReason | N | |
58 | Text | N | Can be used to provide additional information regarding the assignment report, such as reject description. |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | |
355 | EncodedText | N | |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
MarketDataStatisticsRequest Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType=DO |
2452 | MDStatisticReqID | Y | Unique message identifier for the request or the identifier of a previous request when unsubscribing. |
263 | SubscriptionRequestType | Y | Used to subscribe / unsubscribe for market data statistics reports or to request a one-time snapshot of the current information. |
Component | Parties | N | |
75 | TradeDate | N | Used to specify the business date. |
1301 | MarketID | N | Used to specify a single market. |
1300 | MarketSegmentID | N | Used to specify a single market segment. |
1396 | MarketSegmentDesc | N | |
1397 | EncodedMktSegmDescLen | N | Must be set if EncodedMktSegmDesc(1398) field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
1398 | EncodedMktSegmDesc | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the MarketSegmentDesc(1396) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field. |
1465 | SecurityListID | N | Used to reference an entire group of instruments for which a single set of statistics is to be calculated. |
Component | Instrument | N | Used to specify an individual instrument or instrument attributes for which a single set of statistics is to be calculated. |
Component | InstrumentExtension | N | |
Component | FinancingDetails | N | |
Component | UndInstrmtGrp | N | |
Component | InstrmtLegGrp | N | |
Component | RelatedInstrumentGrp | N | |
Component | MDStatisticReqGrp | Y | Used to specify the parameters for the calculation of statistics. |
60 | TransactTime | N | Time that the request was submitted. |
58 | Text | N | |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedText(355) field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
355 | EncodedText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text(58) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field. |
Component | StandardTrailer | N |
MarketDataStatisticsReport Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = DP |
Component | ApplicationSequenceControl | N | |
2453 | MDStatisticRptID | Y | Unique message identifier for the report. |
2452 | MDStatisticReqID | N | Unique message identifier for the request. Conditionally required if report is sent in response to a MarketDataStatisticsRequest(35=DO) message. |
2473 | MDStatisticRequestResult | N | Conditionally required if report is sent in response to a MarketDataStatisticsRequest(35=DO) message. |
325 | UnsolicitedIndicator | N | Set to ‘Y’ if message is sent as a result of a subscription request not a snapshot request |
Component | Parties | N | |
582 | CustOrderCapacity | N | |
75 | TradeDate | N | |
1301 | MarketID | N | |
1300 | MarketSegmentID | N | |
1396 | MarketSegmentDesc | N | |
1397 | EncodedMktSegmDescLen | N | Must be set if EncodedMktSegmDesc(1398) field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
1398 | EncodedMktSegmDesc | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the MarketDesgmentDesc(1396) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field. |
1465 | SecurityListID | N | |
15 | Currency | N | |
2897 | CurrencyCodeSource | N | |
Component | Instrument | N | |
Component | InstrumentExtension | N | |
Component | FinancingDetails | N | |
Component | UndInstrmtGrp | N | |
Component | InstrmtLegGrp | N | |
Component | RelatedInstrumentGrp | N | |
Component | MDStatisticRptGrp | Y | Specifies the resulting statistics information and corresponding statistical parameters. |
60 | TransactTime | N | Time that the report was provided. |
58 | Text | N | |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedText(355) field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
355 | EncodedText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text(58) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field. |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
MarketDataReport Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = DR |
Component | ApplicationSequenceControl | N | |
963 | MDReportID | N | Unique identifier for MarketDataReport(35=DR). |
2535 | MDReportEvent | Y | |
2536 | MDReportCount | Y | |
60 | TransactTime | N | |
911 | TotNumReports | N | |
2537 | TotNoMarketSegmentReports | N | |
2538 | TotNoInstrumentReports | N | |
2539 | TotNoPartyDetailReports | N | |
2540 | TotNoEntitlementReports | N | |
2541 | TotNoRiskLimitReports | N | |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
MarketDataRequest Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = V |
262 | MDReqID | Y | Must be unique, or the ID of previous Market Data Request to disable if SubscriptionRequestType(263) = 2(Disable previous Snapshot + Updates Request). |
263 | SubscriptionRequestType | Y | SubscriptionRequestType(263) indicates to the other party what type of response is expected. A snapshot request only asks for current information. A subscribe request asks for updates as the status changes. Unsubscribe will cancel any future update messages from the counter party. |
Component | Parties | N | |
264 | MarketDepth | Y | |
265 | MDUpdateType | N | Required if SubscriptionRequestType(263) = 1(Snapshot + Updates). |
266 | AggregatedBook | N | |
286 | OpenCloseSettlFlag | N | Can be used to clarify a request if MDEntryType(269) = 4 (Opening price), 5 (Closing price), or 6 (Settlement price). |
546 | Scope | N | Defines the scope(s) of the request |
547 | MDImplicitDelete | N | Can be used when MarketDepth(254) >= 2 and MDUpdateType(265) = 1(Incremental Refresh). |
Component | MDReqGrp | Y | |
Component | MarketSegmentScopeGrp | N | Can be used to limit the result set to the specified markets or market segments. |
Component | InstrmtMDReqGrp | Y | |
Component | TrdgSesGrp | N | |
815 | ApplQueueAction | N | Action to take if application level queuing exists |
812 | ApplQueueMax | N | Maximum application queue depth that must be exceeded before queuing action is taken. |
1070 | MDQuoteType | N | |
2447 | FastMarketIndicator | N | |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
MarketDataSnapshotFullRefresh Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = W |
Component | ApplicationSequenceControl | N | |
911 | TotNumReports | N | Total number or reports returned in response to a request. |
963 | MDReportID | N | Unique identifier for the market data report. |
715 | ClearingBusinessDate | N | |
1021 | MDBookType | N | Describes the type of book for which the feed is intended. Can be used when multiple feeds are provided over the same connection |
1173 | MDSubBookType | N | Can be used to define a subordinate book. |
264 | MarketDepth | N | Can be used to define the current depth of the book. |
1022 | MDFeedType | N | Describes a class of service for a given data feed, ie Regular and Market Maker |
1683 | MDSubFeedType | N | |
1187 | RefreshIndicator | N | |
75 | TradeDate | N | Used to specify the trading date for which a set of market data applies |
262 | MDReqID | N | Conditionally required if this message is in response to a MarketDataRequest(35=V). |
1500 | MDStreamID | N | |
1301 | MarketID | N | |
1300 | MarketSegmentID | N | |
Component | Instrument | Y | |
Component | InstrumentExtension | N | |
Component | FinancingDetails | N | |
Component | UndInstrmtGrp | N | |
Component | InstrmtLegGrp | N | Required for multileg quotes |
Component | RelatedInstrumentGrp | N | |
779 | LastUpdateTime | Y | |
291 | FinancialStatus | N | |
292 | CorporateAction | N | |
451 | NetChgPrevDay | N | |
1682 | MDSecurityTradingStatus | N | |
1684 | MDHaltReason | N | |
Component | MDFullGrp | Y | |
813 | ApplQueueDepth | N | Depth of application messages queued for transmission as of delivery of this message |
814 | ApplQueueResolution | N | Action taken to resolve application queuing |
Component | RoutingGrp | N | |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
MarketDataIncrementalRefresh Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = X |
Component | ApplicationSequenceControl | N | |
1021 | MDBookType | N | Describes the type of book for which the feed is intended. Can be used when multiple feeds are provided over the same connection |
1022 | MDFeedType | N | Describes a class of service for a given data feed, ie Regular and Market Maker |
1683 | MDSubFeedType | N | |
75 | TradeDate | N | Used to specify the trading date for which a set of market data applies |
262 | MDReqID | N | Conditionally required if this message is in response to a Market Data Request. |
1301 | MarketID | N | |
1300 | MarketSegmentID | N | |
Component | MDIncGrp | Y | Number of entries following. |
813 | ApplQueueDepth | N | Depth of application messages queued for transmission as of delivery of this message |
814 | ApplQueueResolution | N | Action taken to resolve application queuing |
Component | RoutingGrp | N | |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
MarketDataRequestReject Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = Y |
262 | MDReqID | Y | Must refer to the MDReqID of the request. |
Component | Parties | N | Insert here the set of Parties (firm identification) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages. |
281 | MDReqRejReason | N | |
Component | MDRjctGrp | N | |
58 | Text | N | |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedText field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
355 | EncodedText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field. |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
146 | NoRelatedSym | N | |
→Component | Instrument | Y | Insert here the set of Instrument(symbology) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages |
→Component | InstrumentExtension | N | |
→Component | FinancingDetails | N | |
→Component | UndInstrmtGrp | N | |
→Component | InstrmtLegGrp | N | |
→Component | RelatedInstrumentGrp | N | |
→Component | SpreadOrBenchmarkCurveData | N | |
→15 | Currency | N | |
→2897 | CurrencyCodeSource | N | |
→537 | QuoteType | N | |
→63 | SettlType | N | For NDFs either SettlType (specifying the tenor) or SettlDate must be specified. |
→64 | SettlDate | N | SettlType (specifying the tenor) or SettlDate must be specified. |
→271 | MDEntrySize | N | Quantity or volume represented by the Market Data Entry. In the context of the Market Data Request this allows the Initiator to indicate the quantity of the market data request. Specific to FX this field indicates the ceiling amount the customer is seeking prices for. |
→1500 | MDStreamID | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
268 | NoMDEntries | N | |
→269 | MDEntryType | Y | Required if NoMDEntries(268) > 0. |
→278 | MDEntryID | N | Conditionally required when maintaining an order-depth book (AggregatedBook(266) is N). Allows subsequent Incremental changes to be applied using MDEntryID(278). |
→270 | MDEntryPx | N | Conditionally required if MDEntryType(269) is not A (Imbalance), B (Trade Volume), or C (Open Interest); Conditionally required when MDEntryType(269) = Q (Auction clearing price). |
→423 | PriceType | N | |
→Component | PriceQualifierGrp | N | |
→819 | AvgPxIndicator | N | |
→Component | YieldData | N | |
→Component | SpreadOrBenchmarkCurveData | N | |
→40 | OrdType | N | Used to support market mechanism type; limit order, market order, committed principal order |
→15 | Currency | N | Can be used to specify the currency of the quoted price. |
→2897 | CurrencyCodeSource | N | |
→120 | SettlCurrency | N | Required for NDFs to specify the settlement currency (fixing currency). |
→2899 | SettlCurrencyCodeSource | N | |
→Component | RateSource | N | |
→271 | MDEntrySize | N | Conditionally required when MDUpdateAction(279) = 0 (New) and MDEntryType(269) = 0 (Bid), 1 (Offer), 2 (Trade), B (Trade volume), or C (Open interest). |
→Component | SecSizesGrp | N | |
→1093 | LotType | N | Can be used to specify the lot type of the quoted size in order depth books. |
→272 | MDEntryDate | N | |
→273 | MDEntryTime | N | |
→274 | TickDirection | N | |
→336 | TradingSessionID | N | |
→625 | TradingSessionSubID | N | |
→326 | SecurityTradingStatus | N | |
→327 | HaltReason | N | |
→2447 | FastMarketIndicator | N | |
→2705 | MarketCondition | N | |
→276 | QuoteCondition | N | Space-delimited list of conditions describing a quote. |
→277 | TradeCondition | N | Space-delimited list of conditions describing a trade |
→Component | TradePriceConditionGrp | N | |
→2961 | AnonymousTradeIndicator | N | |
→2667 | AlgorithmicTradeIndicator | N | |
→286 | OpenCloseSettlFlag | N | Used if MDEntryType(269) = 4 (Opening price), 5 (Closing price), or 6 (Settlement price). |
→59 | TimeInForce | N | For optional use when this Bid or Offer represents an order |
→432 | ExpireDate | N | For optional use when this Bid or Offer represents an order. ExpireDate(432) and ExpireTime(126) cannot both be specified in one Market Data Entry. |
→126 | ExpireTime | N | For optional use when this Bid or Offer represents an order. ExpireDate(432) and ExpireTime(126) cannot both be specified in one Market Data Entry. |
→1629 | ExposureDuration | N | Conditionally required when TimeInForce(59) = A (Good for Time). |
→1916 | ExposureDurationUnit | N | |
→110 | MinQty | N | For optional use when this Bid or Offer represents an order |
→18 | ExecInst | N | Can contain multiple instructions, space delimited. |
→287 | SellerDays | N | |
→37 | OrderID | N | For optional use when this Bid, Offer, or Trade represents an order |
→198 | SecondaryOrderID | N | For optional use to support Hit/Take (selecting a specific order from the feed) without disclosing a private order id. |
→299 | QuoteEntryID | N | For optional use when this Bid, Offer, or Trade represents a quote |
→1003 | TradeID | N | For optional use in reporting Trades. |
→1851 | StrategyLinkID | N | For optional use in reporting Trades. May be used to link together trades that are reported separately but are part of the same overall trade, e.g. spread trade and their constituent trades. |
→288 | MDEntryBuyer | N | For optional use in reporting Trades |
→289 | MDEntrySeller | N | For optional use in reporting Trades |
→2449 | NumberOfBuyOrders | N | For optional use in reporting trades. |
→2450 | NumberOfSellOrders | N | For optional use in reporting trades. |
→346 | NumberOfOrders | N | In an Aggregated Book, used to show how many individual orders make up an MDEntry |
→290 | MDEntryPositionNo | N | |
→546 | Scope | N | |
→811 | PriceDelta | N | |
→828 | TrdType | N | Specifies trade type when a trade is being reported. For optional use in reporting trades. |
→829 | TrdSubType | N | For optional use in reporting trades. |
→855 | SecondaryTrdType | N | For optional use in reporting trades. Conditionally requires presence of TrdType(828). |
→2896 | TertiaryTrdType | N | For optional use in reporting trades. Conditionally requires presence of SecondaryTrdType(855). |
→1934 | RegulatoryReportType | N | Used only when reporting a trade (MDEntryType(269)=2 (Trade)) that is a regulatory trade report. |
→2963 | MultiJurisdictionReportingIndicator | N | For optional use in reporting trades. |
→2405 | ExecMethod | N | |
→574 | MatchType | N | For optional use in reporting trades. |
→1115 | OrderCategory | N | |
→1390 | TradePublishIndicator | N | For optional use in reporting trades. |
→Component | TrdRegPublicationGrp | N | |
→2373 | IntraFirmTradeIndicator | N | |
→570 | PreviouslyReported | N | |
→Component | RelatedTradeGrp | N | For optional use when reporting trades. Lists trades related to the current market data entry, e.g. leg trades of a multi-leg trade. |
→58 | Text | N | Text to describe the Market Data Entry. Part of repeating group. |
→354 | EncodedTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedText(355) field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
→355 | EncodedText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text(58) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field. |
→1023 | MDPriceLevel | N | |
→528 | OrderCapacity | N | |
→1024 | MDOriginType | N | |
→332 | HighPx | N | Used to report high price in association with trade, bid or ask rather than a separate entity |
→333 | LowPx | N | Used to report low price in association with trade, bid or ask rather than a separate entity. |
→1025 | FirstPx | N | Indicates the first price of a trading session; can be a bid, ask, or trade price. |
→31 | LastPx | N | Indicates the last price of a trading session; can be a bid, ask, or trade price. |
→1592 | DiscountFactor | N | |
→1020 | TradeVolume | N | Used to report trade volume in association with trade, bid or ask rather than a separate entity |
→Component | PriceLimits | N | |
→1143 | MaxPriceVariation | N | |
→731 | SettlPriceType | N | |
→2451 | SettlPriceDeterminationMethod | N | |
→63 | SettlType | N | |
→64 | SettlDate | N | Indicates date on which instrument will settle. For NDFs required for specifying the value date. |
→1070 | MDQuoteType | N | |
→83 | RptSeq | N | Used to identify the sequence number within a feed type |
→1048 | DealingCapacity | N | |
→1026 | MDEntrySpotRate | N | |
→1027 | MDEntryForwardPoints | N | |
→Component | Parties | N | |
→2445 | AggressorTime | N | |
→2446 | AggressorSide | N | |
→654 | LegRefID | N | May be specified for an MDEntryType(269)=2 (Trade) entry to indicate that MDEntryPx(270), PriceType(423) and MDEntrySize(271) apply to the instance of the InstrmtLegGrp component with matching LegID(1788). |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
268 | NoMDEntries | N | |
→279 | MDUpdateAction | Y | Must be first field in this repeating group. |
→1173 | MDSubBookType | N | Can be used to define a subordinate book. |
→264 | MarketDepth | N | Can be used to define the current depth of the book. |
→269 | MDEntryType | N | Conditionally required if MDUpdateAction(279) = 0 (New). Cannot be changed. |
→278 | MDEntryID | N | If specified, must be unique among currently active entries if MDUpdateAction(279) = 0 (New); must be the same as a previous MDEntryID(278) if MDUpdateAction(279) = 2 (Delete); must be the same as a previous MDEntryID(278) if MDUpdateAction(279) = 1 (Change) and MDEntryRefID(280) is not specified; or must be unique among currently active entries if MDUpdateAction(279) = 1 (Change) and MDEntryRefID(280) is specified. |
→280 | MDEntryRefID | N | If MDUpdateAction(279) = 0 (New), for the first market data entry in a message, either this field or a security symbol must be specified. If MDUpdateAction(279) = 1 (Change), this must refer to a previous MDEntryID(278). |
→1500 | MDStreamID | N | |
→Component | Instrument | N | |
→Component | InstrumentExtension | N | |
→Component | FinancingDetails | N | |
→Component | UndInstrmtGrp | N | |
→Component | InstrmtLegGrp | N | |
→Component | RelatedInstrumentGrp | N | |
→291 | FinancialStatus | N | |
→292 | CorporateAction | N | |
→270 | MDEntryPx | N | Conditionally required when MDUpdateAction(279) = 0 (New) and MDEntryType(269) is not A (Imbalance), B (Trade volume), or C (Open interest). Conditionally required when MDEntryType(269) = Q (Auction clearing price). |
→423 | PriceType | N | |
→Component | PriceQualifierGrp | N | |
→819 | AvgPxIndicator | N | |
→Component | YieldData | N | Insert here the set of YieldData (yield-related) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages |
→Component | SpreadOrBenchmarkCurveData | N | Insert here the set of SpreadOrBenchmarkCurveData (Fixed Income spread or benchmark curve) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages |
→40 | OrdType | N | Used to support market mechanism type; limit order, market order, committed principal order |
→15 | Currency | N | Can be used to specify the currency of the quoted price. |
→2897 | CurrencyCodeSource | N | |
→120 | SettlCurrency | N | Required for NDFs to specify the settlement currency (fixing currency). |
→2899 | SettlCurrencyCodeSource | N | |
→Component | RateSource | N | |
→271 | MDEntrySize | N | Conditionally required when MDUpdateAction(279) = 0 (New) and MDEntryType(269) = 0 (Bid), 1 (Offer), 2 (Trade), B (Trade volume), or C (Open interest). |
→Component | SecSizesGrp | N | |
→1093 | LotType | N | Can be used to specify the lot type of the quoted size in order depth books. |
→272 | MDEntryDate | N | |
→273 | MDEntryTime | N | |
→274 | TickDirection | N | |
→336 | TradingSessionID | N | |
→625 | TradingSessionSubID | N | |
→326 | SecurityTradingStatus | N | |
→327 | HaltReason | N | |
→2447 | FastMarketIndicator | N | |
→2705 | MarketCondition | N | |
→276 | QuoteCondition | N | Space-delimited list of conditions describing a quote. |
→277 | TradeCondition | N | Space-delimited list of conditions describing a trade |
→Component | TradePriceConditionGrp | N | |
→2961 | AnonymousTradeIndicator | N | |
→2667 | AlgorithmicTradeIndicator | N | |
→1934 | RegulatoryReportType | N | Used only when reporting a trade (MDEntryType(269)=2 (Trade)) that is a regulatory trade report. |
→2963 | MultiJurisdictionReportingIndicator | N | For optional use in reporting trades. |
→828 | TrdType | N | For optional use in reporting trades. |
→829 | TrdSubType | N | For optional use in reporting trades. |
→855 | SecondaryTrdType | N | For optional use in reporting trades. Conditionally requires presence of TrdType(828). |
→2896 | TertiaryTrdType | N | For optional use in reporting trades. Conditionally requires presence of SecondaryTrdType(855). |
→2405 | ExecMethod | N | |
→574 | MatchType | N | For optional use in reporting trades. |
→1115 | OrderCategory | N | |
→1390 | TradePublishIndicator | N | For optional use in reporting trades. |
→Component | TrdRegPublicationGrp | N | |
→2373 | IntraFirmTradeIndicator | N | |
→570 | PreviouslyReported | N | |
→Component | RelatedTradeGrp | N | For optional use when reporting trades. List of trades related to the current market data entry, e.g. leg trades of a multi-leg trade. |
→286 | OpenCloseSettlFlag | N | Used if MDEntryType(269) = 4 (Opening Price), 5 (Closing Price), or 6 (Settlement Price). |
→59 | TimeInForce | N | For optional use when this Bid or Offer represents an order |
→432 | ExpireDate | N | For optional use when this Bid or Offer represents an order. ExpireDate(432) and ExpireTime(126) cannot both be specified in one Market Data Entry. |
→126 | ExpireTime | N | For optional use when this Bid or Offer represents an order. ExpireDate(432) and ExpireTime(126) cannot both be specified in one Market Data Entry. |
→1629 | ExposureDuration | N | Conditionally required when TimeInForce(59)= 10 (Good for Time). |
→1916 | ExposureDurationUnit | N | |
→110 | MinQty | N | For optional use when this Bid or Offer represents an order |
→18 | ExecInst | N | Can contain multiple instructions, space delimited. |
→287 | SellerDays | N | |
→37 | OrderID | N | For optional use when this Bid, Offer, or Trade represents an order |
→198 | SecondaryOrderID | N | For optional use to support Hit/Take (selecting a specific order from the feed) without disclosing a private order id. |
→299 | QuoteEntryID | N | For optional use when this Bid, Offer, or Trade represents a quote |
→1003 | TradeID | N | For optional use in reporting Trades |
→1851 | StrategyLinkID | N | For optional use in reporting Trades. May be used to link together trades that are reported separately but are part of the same overall trade, e.g. spread trade and their constituent trades. |
→288 | MDEntryBuyer | N | For optional use in reporting Trades |
→289 | MDEntrySeller | N | For optional use in reporting Trades |
→2449 | NumberOfBuyOrders | N | For optional use when reporting trades |
→2450 | NumberOfSellOrders | N | For optional use when reporting trades |
→346 | NumberOfOrders | N | In an Aggregated Book, used to show how many individual orders make up an MDEntry |
→290 | MDEntryPositionNo | N | |
→546 | Scope | N | |
→811 | PriceDelta | N | |
→451 | NetChgPrevDay | N | |
→58 | Text | N | Text to describe the Market Data Entry. Part of repeating group. |
→354 | EncodedTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedText(355) field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
→355 | EncodedText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text(58) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field. |
→1023 | MDPriceLevel | N | |
→528 | OrderCapacity | N | |
→1024 | MDOriginType | N | |
→332 | HighPx | N | |
→333 | LowPx | N | |
→1025 | FirstPx | N | Indicates the first price of a trading session; can be a bid, ask, or a trade price. |
→31 | LastPx | N | Indicates the last price of a trading session; can be a bid, ask, or a trade price. |
→1592 | DiscountFactor | N | |
→1020 | TradeVolume | N | |
→Component | PriceLimits | N | |
→1143 | MaxPriceVariation | N | |
→731 | SettlPriceType | N | |
→2451 | SettlPriceDeterminationMethod | N | |
→63 | SettlType | N | |
→64 | SettlDate | N | Indicates date on which instrument will settle. For NDFs required for specifying the value date. |
→483 | TransBkdTime | N | For optional use in reporting Trades. Used to specify the time of trade agreement for privately negotiated trades. |
→60 | TransactTime | N | For optional use in reporting Trades. Used to specify the time of matching. |
→2445 | AggressorTime | N | Entry time of the incoming order that triggered the trade |
→2446 | AggressorSide | N | |
→1070 | MDQuoteType | N | |
→83 | RptSeq | N | Allows sequence number to be specified within a feed type |
→1048 | DealingCapacity | N | |
→1026 | MDEntrySpotRate | N | |
→1027 | MDEntryForwardPoints | N | |
→Component | StatsIndGrp | N | |
→Component | Parties | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
267 | NoMDEntryTypes | N | |
→269 | MDEntryType | Y | Must be the first field in this repeating group. This is a list of all the types of Market Data Entries that the firm requesting the Market Data is interested in receiving. |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
816 | NoAltMDSource | N | |
→817 | AltMDSourceID | N | Alternative Market Data Source |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
2456 | MDStatisticType | Y | |
2457 | MDStatisticScope | Y | |
2458 | MDStatisticSubScope | N | |
2459 | MDStatisticScopeType | N | |
2454 | MDStatisticName | N | |
2455 | MDStatisticDesc | N | |
2481 | EncodedMDStatisticDescLen | N | Must be set if EncodedMDStatisticDesc(2482) field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
2482 | EncodedMDStatisticDesc | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the MDStatisticDesc(2455) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field. |
264 | MarketDepth | N | May be used to specify the market depth up to specified level. |
2460 | MDStatisticFrequencyPeriod | N | Conditionally required when MDStatisticFrequencyUnit(2461) is specified. Omission represents a one-time dissemination. |
2461 | MDStatisticFrequencyUnit | N | Conditionally required when MDStatisticFrequencyPeriod(2460) is specified. |
2462 | MDStatisticDelayPeriod | N | Conditionally required when MDStatisticDelayUnit(2463) is specified. |
2463 | MDStatisticDelayUnit | N | Conditionally required when MDStatisticDelayPeriod(2462) is specified. |
2464 | MDStatisticIntervalType | Y | |
2465 | MDStatisticIntervalTypeUnit | N | Conditionally required when MDStatisticIntervalType (2464) = 5(Current time unit), 6(Previous time unit) or 8(Maximum range up to previous time unit). |
2466 | MDStatisticIntervalPeriod | N | Conditionally required if/when MDStatisticIntervalUnit(2467) is specified. Conditionally required when MDStatisticIntervalType(2464) = 1 (Sliding window) or 2 (Sliding window peak). |
2467 | MDStatisticIntervalUnit | N | Conditionally required when MDStatisticIntervalPeriod(2466) is specified. |
2468 | MDStatisticStartDate | N | Can be used to define a date range for a sliding window peak other than the current day. Omission represents a date range starting with the first available day. |
2469 | MDStatisticEndDate | N | Can be used to define a date range for a sliding window peak other than the current day. Omission represents a date range including the current day. |
2470 | MDStatisticStartTime | N | Can be used to define a time range for a sliding window peak other than the complete day. Omission represents a time range starting at midnight. |
2471 | MDStatisticEndTime | N | Can be used to define a time range for a sliding window peak other than the complete day. Omission represents a time range ending with the time of dissemination of the statistical data. |
2472 | MDStatisticRatioType | N | Conditionally required when MDStatisticType(2456) = 5(Ratio). |
Component | NestedParties | N | |
2584 | AnnualTradingBusinessDays | N | |
1815 | TradingCapacity | N | |
40 | OrdType | N | |
59 | TimeInForce | N | |
276 | QuoteCondition | N | |
277 | TradeCondition | N | |
54 | Side | N | |
578 | TradeInputSource | N | |
336 | TradingSessionID | N | |
625 | TradingSessionSubID | N | |
1024 | MDOriginType | N | |
2711 | MDValueTier | N | |
338 | TradSesMethod | N | |
1022 | MDFeedType | N | |
1629 | ExposureDuration | N | |
1916 | ExposureDurationUnit | N | Conditionally required when ExposureDuration(1629) is specified. |
1057 | AggressorIndicator | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
2474 | NoMDStatistics | N | |
→2475 | MDStatisticID | N | Required if NoMDStatistics(2474) > 0. Unique statistics identifier used as a placeholder for a set of parameters. If an ID is not applicable use [N/A]. |
→Component | MDStatisticParameters | N | Required if NoMDStatistics(2474) > 0 and MDStatisticID(2475) = [N/A]. |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
2474 | NoMDStatistics | N | |
→Component | MDStatisticParameters | N | Required if NoMDStatistics(2474) > 0. |
→2475 | MDStatisticID | N | Required if NoMDStatistics(2474) > 0. |
→2476 | MDStatisticTime | N | Conditionally required when MDStatisticValue(2478) is specified. |
→2477 | MDStatisticStatus | N | May be used when sending reference data only to establish MDStatisticID(2475) as a reference to a set of parameters specified in MDStatisticParameters component. If not specified the default is MDStatisticStatus(2477)=1 (Active). |
→2478 | MDStatisticValue | N | Conditionally required unless sending reference data only to establish MDStatisticID(2475) as a reference to a set of parameters specified in MDStatisticParameters component. |
→2479 | MDStatisticValueType | N | |
→2480 | MDStatisticValueUnit | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1177 | NoOfSecSizes | N | |
→1178 | MDSecSizeType | N | Defines the type of secondary size specified in MDSecSize(1179). Must be first field in this repeating group |
→1179 | MDSecSize | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1175 | NoStatsIndicators | N | |
→1176 | StatsType | N | Indicates that the MD Entry is eligible for inclusion in the type of statistic specified by the StatsType. Must be provided if NoStatsIndicators greater than 0. |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1499 | NoAsgnReqs | N | |
→Component | Parties | N | |
→Component | StrmAsgnReqInstrmtGrp | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
146 | NoRelatedSym | N | |
→Component | Instrument | N | |
→63 | SettlType | N | |
→271 | MDEntrySize | N | |
→1500 | MDStreamID | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1499 | NoAsgnReqs | N | |
→Component | Parties | N | |
→Component | StrmAsgnRptInstrmtGrp | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
146 | NoRelatedSym | N | |
→Component | Instrument | N | |
→63 | SettlType | N | |
→1617 | StreamAsgnType | N | |
→1500 | MDStreamID | N | |
→1502 | StreamAsgnRejReason | N | |
→58 | Text | N | |
→354 | EncodedTextLen | N | |
→355 | EncodedText | N |
Appendix – MarketStructureReferenceData Category
TradingSessionListRequest Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = BI |
335 | TradSesReqID | Y | Must be unique, or the ID of previous Trading Session Status Request to disable if SubscriptionRequestType = Disable previous Snapshot + Update Request (2). |
1301 | MarketID | N | Market for which Trading Session applies |
1300 | MarketSegmentID | N | Market Segment for which Trading Session applies |
336 | TradingSessionID | N | Trading Session for which status is being requested |
625 | TradingSessionSubID | N | |
338 | TradSesMethod | N | Method of Trading |
339 | TradSesMode | N | Trading Session Mode |
263 | SubscriptionRequestType | Y | |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
TradingSessionList Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = BJ |
Component | ApplicationSequenceControl | N | |
335 | TradSesReqID | N | Provided for a response to a specific Trading Session List Request message (snapshot). |
Component | TrdSessLstGrp | Y | |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
TradingSessionListUpdateReport Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = BS |
Component | ApplicationSequenceControl | N | |
335 | TradSesReqID | N | Provided for a response to a specific Trading Session List Request message (snapshot). |
Component | TrdSessLstGrp | Y | |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
MarketDefinitionRequest Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = BT |
1393 | MarketReqID | Y | Must be unique, or the ID of previous Market Segment Request to disable if SubscriptionRequestType = Disable previous Snapshot + Updates Request(2). |
263 | SubscriptionRequestType | Y | |
1301 | MarketID | N | Conditionally required if MarketSegmentID(1300) is specified on the request |
1300 | MarketSegmentID | N | |
1325 | ParentMktSegmID | N | Specifies that the Market Segment is a sub segment of the Market Segment defined in this field. |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
MarketDefinition Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = BU |
Component | ApplicationSequenceControl | N | |
1394 | MarketReportID | Y | Unique identifier for each market definition message. |
1393 | MarketReqID | N | |
1301 | MarketID | Y | |
1300 | MarketSegmentID | N | |
1396 | MarketSegmentDesc | N | |
1397 | EncodedMktSegmDescLen | N | Must be set if EncodedMktSegmDesc(1398) field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
1398 | EncodedMktSegmDesc | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the MarketSegmDesc(1396) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field. |
1325 | ParentMktSegmID | N | Specifies that the market segment specified in this message is a sub-segment of the market segment defined in this field. |
2542 | MarketSegmentStatus | N | |
2543 | MarketSegmentType | N | Used to specify the purpose of a special market segment identified by MarketSegmentID(1300). Conditionally required if MarketSegmentSubType(2544) is specified. |
2544 | MarketSegmentSubType | N | |
Component | InstrumentScopeGrp | N | Used to specify the types of securities that belong to the market segment. |
Component | RelatedMarketSegmentGrp | N | Used to specify market segments that have a relationship to the market segment defined in this message. |
15 | Currency | N | The default trading currency |
2897 | CurrencyCodeSource | N | |
Component | BaseTradingRules | N | Used to specify the base trading rules for the identified market or market segment. |
Component | OrdTypeRules | N | Used to specify the order types that are valid for trading on the identified market or market segment. |
Component | TimeInForceRules | N | Used to specify the time in force rules that are valid for trading on the identified market or market segment. |
Component | ExecInstRules | N | Used to specify the execution instructions that are valid for trading on the identified market or market segment. |
Component | AuctionTypeRuleGrp | N | Used to specify the auction order types that are valid for trading on the identified market or market segment. |
Component | MarketDataFeedTypes | N | Used to specify the market data feed types that are valid for trading on the identified market or market segment. |
Component | MatchRules | N | Used to specify the matching rules that are valid for trading on the identified market or market segment. |
Component | FlexProductEligibilityGrp | N | Specifies the eligibility indicators for the creation of flexible securities. |
Component | Parties | N | Specifies parties relevant for the market or market segment, e.g. market makers. |
Component | MiscFeesGrp | N | |
2400 | EffectiveBusinessDate | N | |
60 | TransactTime | N | |
58 | Text | N | |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedText(355) field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
355 | EncodedText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text(58) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field. |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
MarketDefinitionUpdateReport Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = BV |
Component | ApplicationSequenceControl | N | |
1394 | MarketReportID | Y | Unique identifier for each market definition message. |
1393 | MarketReqID | N | |
1395 | MarketUpdateAction | N | Specifies the action taken |
1301 | MarketID | Y | |
1300 | MarketSegmentID | N | |
1396 | MarketSegmentDesc | N | |
1397 | EncodedMktSegmDescLen | N | Must be set if EncodedMktSegmDesc(1398) field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
1398 | EncodedMktSegmDesc | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the MarketSegmDesc(1396) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field. |
1325 | ParentMktSegmID | N | Specifies that the market segment specified in this message is a sub-segment of the market segment defined in this field. |
2542 | MarketSegmentStatus | N | |
2543 | MarketSegmentType | N | Used to specify the purpose of a special market segment identified by MarketSegmentID(1300). Conditionally required if MarketSegmentSubType(2544) is specified. |
2544 | MarketSegmentSubType | N | |
Component | InstrumentScopeGrp | N | Used to specify the types of securities that belong to the market segment. |
Component | RelatedMarketSegmentGrp | N | Used to specify market segments that have a relationship to the market segment defined in this message. |
15 | Currency | N | The default trading currency |
2897 | CurrencyCodeSource | N | |
Component | BaseTradingRules | N | Used to specify the valid base trading rules for the identified market or market segment. |
Component | OrdTypeRules | N | Used to specify the order types that are valid for trading on the identified market or market segment. |
Component | TimeInForceRules | N | Used to specify the time in force rules that are valid for trading on the identified market or market segment. |
Component | ExecInstRules | N | Used to specify the execution instructions that are valid for trading on the identified market or market segment. |
Component | AuctionTypeRuleGrp | N | Used to specify the auction order types that are valid for trading on the identified market or market segment. |
Component | MarketDataFeedTypes | N | Used to specify the market data feed types that are valid for trading on the identified market or market segment. |
Component | MatchRules | N | Used to specify the matching rules that are valid for trading on the identified market or market segment. |
Component | FlexProductEligibilityGrp | N | Specifies the eligibility indicators for the creation of flexible securities. |
Component | Parties | N | Specifies parties relevant for the market or market segment, e.g. market makers. |
2400 | EffectiveBusinessDate | N | |
60 | TransactTime | N | |
58 | Text | N | |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedText(355) field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
355 | EncodedText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text(58) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field. |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
TradingSessionStatusRequest Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = g (lowercase) |
335 | TradSesReqID | Y | Must be unique, or the ID of previous Trading Session Status Request to disable if SubscriptionRequestType = Disable previous Snapshot + Updates Request (2). |
1301 | MarketID | N | Market for which Trading Session applies |
1300 | MarketSegmentID | N | Market Segment for which Trading Session applies |
336 | TradingSessionID | N | Trading Session for which status is being requested |
625 | TradingSessionSubID | N | |
338 | TradSesMethod | N | Method of trading |
339 | TradSesMode | N | Trading Session Mode |
263 | SubscriptionRequestType | Y | |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
TradingSessionStatus Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = h (lowercase) |
Component | ApplicationSequenceControl | N | |
335 | TradSesReqID | N | Conditionally required when responding to a specific TradingSessionStatusRequest(35=g) |
1301 | MarketID | N | Market for which trading session applies |
1300 | MarketSegmentID | N | Market Segment for which trading session applies |
75 | TradeDate | N | Business day for which trading session applies to. |
336 | TradingSessionID | Y | Identifier for trading session |
625 | TradingSessionSubID | N | |
338 | TradSesMethod | N | |
339 | TradSesMode | N | |
325 | UnsolicitedIndicator | N | Set to ‘Y’ if message is sent unsolicited as a result of a previous subscription request. |
340 | TradSesStatus | Y | |
1368 | TradSesEvent | N | Identifies an event related to the trading status of a trading session |
2447 | FastMarketIndicator | N | Indicates if trading session is in fast market. |
567 | TradSesStatusRejReason | N | Use with TradSesStatus(340) = 6(Request Rejected). |
341 | TradSesStartTime | N | Starting time of the trading session |
342 | TradSesOpenTime | N | Time of the opening of the trading session |
343 | TradSesPreCloseTime | N | Time of the pre-close of the trading session |
344 | TradSesCloseTime | N | Closing time of the trading session |
345 | TradSesEndTime | N | End time of the trading session |
1785 | TradSesControl | N | Indicates how control of trading session and subsession transitions are performed |
387 | TotalVolumeTraded | N | |
60 | TransactTime | N | |
58 | Text | N | |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedText(355) field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
355 | EncodedText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text(58) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field. |
Component | Instrument | N | Use if status information applies only to a subset of all instruments. Use SecurityStatus(35=f) message instead for status on a single instrument. |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
2560 | NoFlexProductEligibilities | N | |
→1242 | FlexProductEligibilityIndicator | N | Required if NoFlexProductEligibilities(2560) > 0. |
→2561 | FlexProductEligibilityComplex | N | Required if NoFlexProductEligibilities(2560) > 0. Used to specify a product suite related to an eligibility indicator. |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
2545 | NoRelatedMarketSegments | N | |
→2546 | RelatedMarketSegmentID | N | Required if NoRelatedMarketSegments (2545) > 0. |
→2547 | MarketSegmentRelationship | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
386 | NoTradingSessions | N | |
→336 | TradingSessionID | Y | Identifier for Trading Session |
→625 | TradingSessionSubID | N | |
→1327 | TradSesUpdateAction | N | |
→1301 | MarketID | N | Market for which Trading Session applies |
→1300 | MarketSegmentID | N | Market Segment for which Trading Session applies |
→1326 | TradingSessionDesc | N | |
→338 | TradSesMethod | N | Method of Trading |
→339 | TradSesMode | N | Trading Session Mode |
→325 | UnsolicitedIndicator | N | Yif message is sent unsolicited as a result of a previous subscription request. |
→340 | TradSesStatus | Y | State of trading session. |
→567 | TradSesStatusRejReason | N | Used with TradSesStatus = Request Rejected |
→341 | TradSesStartTime | N | Starting time of trading session |
→342 | TradSesOpenTime | N | Time of the opening of the trading session |
→343 | TradSesPreCloseTime | N | Time of pre-close of trading session |
→344 | TradSesCloseTime | N | Closing time of trading session |
→345 | TradSesEndTime | N | End time of trading session |
→387 | TotalVolumeTraded | N | |
→Component | TradingSessionRules | N | Insert here the set of TradingSessionRulesfields defined in common components of application messages |
→60 | TransactTime | N | |
→58 | Text | N | |
→354 | EncodedTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedText field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
→355 | EncodedText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field. |
Appendix – PartiesAction Category
PartyRiskLimitCheckRequest Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType=DE |
2318 | RiskLimitCheckRequestID | N | Either RiskLimitCheckRequestID(2318) or RiskLimitCheckID(2319) must be specified. RiskLimitCheckRequestID(2318) is conditionally required in a message-chaining model in which a subsequent message may refer to a prior message via RiskLimitCheckRequestRefID(2322). The alternative is an entity-based model in which RiskLimitCheckID(2319) is used to statically identify a given request. In this case RiskLimitCheckID(2319) is required and RiskLimitRequestID(1666) can be optionally specified. |
2319 | RiskLimitCheckID | N | Either RiskLimitCheckRequestID(2318) or RiskLimitCheckID(2319) must be specified. |
2320 | RiskLimitCheckTransType | Y | |
2321 | RiskLimitCheckType | Y | |
2322 | RiskLimitCheckRequestRefID | N | Conditionally required when RiskLimitCheckTransType(2320) = 1 (Cancel) or 2 (Replace), and message-chaining model is used. |
1080 | RefOrderID | N | Used to specify the transaction reference for this limit check request. |
1081 | RefOrderIDSource | N | Identifies the type of reference specified in RefOrderID(1080) for this limit check request. |
2323 | RiskLimitCheckRequestType | N | |
2324 | RiskLimitCheckAmount | N | Specifies the amount being requested or consumed, as indicated by RiskLimitCheckType(2321). |
15 | Currency | N | |
2897 | CurrencyCodeSource | N | |
1670 | RiskLimitID | N | |
Component | RequestingPartyGrp | N | May be used to identify the party making the limit check request and their role. |
Component | Parties | N | May be used to specify the trading party on which the limit check request is for. Each request is for a single trading party and the specified transaction reference. |
Component | RelatedPartyDetailGrp | N | |
Component | Instrument | N | |
Component | LegOrdGrp | N | |
Component | UndInstrmtGrp | N | |
54 | Side | N | |
60 | TransactTime | N | |
58 | Text | N | |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedText(355) field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
355 | EncodedText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text(58) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field. |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
PartyRiskLimitCheckRequestAck Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType=DG |
2318 | RiskLimitCheckRequestID | N | Either RiskLimitCheckRequestID(2318) or RiskLimitCheckID(2319) must be provided from the request message |
2319 | RiskLimitCheckID | N | Either RiskLimitCheckRequestID(2318) or RiskLimitCheckID(2319) must be provided from the request message. |
2325 | RiskLimitCheckRequestStatus | Y | |
2326 | RiskLimitCheckRequestResult | N | |
2320 | RiskLimitCheckTransType | Y | Identifies the RiskLimitCheckTransType(2320) this message is responding to as specified in the request message. |
2321 | RiskLimitCheckType | Y | Identifies the RiskLimitCheckType(2321) this message is responding to as specified in the request message. |
2322 | RiskLimitCheckRequestRefID | N | Conditionally required when RiskLimitCheckTransType(2320) = 1 (Cancel) or 2 (Replace) |
1328 | RejectText | N | |
1664 | EncodedRejectTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedRejectText(1665) field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
1665 | EncodedRejectText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the RejectText(1328) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field. |
1080 | RefOrderID | N | |
1081 | RefOrderIDSource | N | |
54 | Side | N | |
2327 | RiskLimitApprovedAmount | N | Conditionally required when RiskLimitCheckRequestStatus(2325)=1 (Partially approved) |
2324 | RiskLimitCheckAmount | N | |
1670 | RiskLimitID | N | |
15 | Currency | N | |
2897 | CurrencyCodeSource | N | |
126 | ExpireTime | N | Optionally used to specify when the approved credit limit being reserved will expire. |
Component | RequestingPartyGrp | N | |
Component | Parties | N | The trading party identified in the limit check request. |
Component | RelatedPartyDetailGrp | N | |
Component | Instrument | N | |
Component | LegOrdGrp | N | |
Component | UndInstrmtGrp | N | |
60 | TransactTime | N | |
58 | Text | N | |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedText(355) field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
355 | EncodedText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text(58) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field. |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
PartyActionRequest Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType=DH |
2328 | PartyActionRequestID | Y | |
2329 | PartyActionType | Y | |
2330 | ApplTestMessageIndicator | N | |
1301 | MarketID | N | Use to reduce the scope to a market |
1300 | MarketSegmentID | N | Use to reduce the scope to a market segment |
Component | InstrumentScope | N | Use to reduce the scope of instruments |
Component | RequestingPartyGrp | N | May be used to identify the party making the request and their role. |
Component | Parties | Y | Used to specify the trading party on which the action is applied to. |
Component | RelatedPartyDetailGrp | N | |
60 | TransactTime | N | |
58 | Text | N | |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedText(355) field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
355 | EncodedText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text(58) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field. |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
PartyActionReport Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType=DI |
2400 | EffectiveBusinessDate | N | |
2328 | PartyActionRequestID | N | Conditionally required when responding to a PartyActionRequest(35=DH) message. |
2331 | PartyActionReportID | Y | |
2329 | PartyActionType | Y | |
2332 | PartyActionResponse | Y | |
2333 | PartyActionRejectReason | N | Conditionally required when PartyActionResponse(2332) = 2 (Rejected). |
2330 | ApplTestMessageIndicator | N | Conditionally required if present in the PartyActionRequest(35=DH) message. |
1328 | RejectText | N | |
1664 | EncodedRejectTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedRejectText(1665) field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
1665 | EncodedRejectText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the RejectText(1328) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field. |
1301 | MarketID | N | |
1300 | MarketSegmentID | N | |
Component | InstrumentScope | N | |
Component | RequestingPartyGrp | N | May be used to identify the party making the request and their role. |
Component | Parties | Y | Used to specify the trading party on which the action is applied to. If in response to PartyActionRequest(35=DH) message, this should echo back the values from the request. |
Component | RelatedPartyDetailGrp | N | |
60 | TransactTime | N | |
58 | Text | N | |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedText(355) field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
355 | EncodedText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text(58) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field. |
797 | CopyMsgIndicator | N | |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
Appendix – PartiesReferenceData Category
PartyDetailsListRequest Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = CF |
1505 | PartyDetailsListRequestID | Y | |
Component | RequestingPartyGrp | N | May be used to identify the party making the request and their role. |
Component | Parties | N | Scope of the query/request for specific party(-ies). |
Component | RequestedPartyRoleGrp | N | Scope of the query/request for specific party role(s) |
Component | PartyRelationshipGrp | N | Scope of the query/reqeust for specific party relationship(s) |
263 | SubscriptionRequestType | N | |
58 | Text | N | |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | |
355 | EncodedText | N | |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
PartyDetailsListReport Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = CG |
Component | ApplicationSequenceControl | N | |
1510 | PartyDetailsListReportID | Y | |
1505 | PartyDetailsListRequestID | N | Conditionally required when responding to the PartyDetailsListRequest message. |
1511 | RequestResult | N | Conditionally required when responding to the PartyDetailsListRequest message. |
1512 | TotNoParties | N | |
893 | LastFragment | N | |
Component | PartyDetailGrp | N | |
60 | TransactTime | N | |
58 | Text | N | |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | |
355 | EncodedText | N | |
1328 | RejectText | N | |
1664 | EncodedRejectTextLen | N | |
1665 | EncodedRejectText | N | |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
PartyDetailsListUpdateReport Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = CK |
Component | ApplicationSequenceControl | N | |
1510 | PartyDetailsListReportID | Y | |
1505 | PartyDetailsListRequestID | N | Conditionally required when responding to the PartyDetailsListRequest(35=CF) message. |
1512 | TotNoParties | N | |
893 | LastFragment | N | |
Component | RequestingPartyGrp | N | May be used to specify the requesting party in the event the request was made verbally or via other means. |
Component | PartyDetailsUpdateGrp | N | |
60 | TransactTime | N | |
58 | Text | N | |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedText(355) field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
355 | EncodedText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text(58) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field. |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
PartyRiskLimitsRequest Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = CL |
1666 | RiskLimitRequestID | Y | |
1760 | RiskLimitRequestType | N | Scope of risk limit information. |
263 | SubscriptionRequestType | N | |
Component | RequestingPartyGrp | N | May be used to identify the party making the request and their role. |
Component | Parties | N | Scope of the query/request for specific party(-ies) |
Component | RequestedPartyRoleGrp | N | Scope of the query/request for specific party role(s). For example, all information for PartyRole=24. |
Component | RequestedRiskLimitTypesGrp | N | |
1533 | RiskLimitPlatform | N | |
Component | RiskInstrumentScopeGrp | N | Scope of the query/request for specific securities. Absence means all instruments for a given party or party role. |
58 | Text | N | |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | |
355 | EncodedText | N | |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
PartyRiskLimitsReport Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = CM |
Component | ApplicationSequenceControl | N | |
1667 | RiskLimitReportID | Y | |
1666 | RiskLimitRequestID | N | Conditionally required when responding to PartyRiskLimitsRequest(35=CL). |
1760 | RiskLimitRequestType | N | Can be used when responding to a PartyRiskLimitsRequest(35=CL). |
1511 | RequestResult | N | Conditionally required when responding to a PartyRiskLimitsRequest(35=CL). |
325 | UnsolicitedIndicator | N | |
1512 | TotNoParties | N | |
893 | LastFragment | N | |
Component | PartyRiskLimitsGrp | N | Optionally includes utilization (consumption) information. |
60 | TransactTime | N | |
58 | Text | N | |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | |
355 | EncodedText | N | |
1328 | RejectText | N | |
1664 | EncodedRejectTextLen | N | |
1665 | EncodedRejectText | N | |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
PartyRiskLimitsUpdateReport Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType=CR |
Component | ApplicationSequenceControl | N | |
1667 | RiskLimitReportID | Y | |
1666 | RiskLimitRequestID | N | Conditionally required when sent as part of a subscription requested by a PartyRiskLimitsRequest(35=CL). |
1760 | RiskLimitRequestType | N | Can be used if sent as part of a subscription started by a PartyRiskLimitsRequest(35=CL). |
1512 | TotNoParties | N | |
893 | LastFragment | N | |
Component | RequestingPartyGrp | N | May be used to specify the requesting party in the event the request was made verbally or via other means. |
Component | PartyRiskLimitsUpdateGrp | N | |
60 | TransactTime | N | |
58 | Text | N | |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedText(355) field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
355 | EncodedText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text(58) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field. |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
PartyRiskLimitsDefinitionRequest Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType=CS |
1666 | RiskLimitRequestID | Y | |
Component | RequestingPartyGrp | N | May be used to identify the party making the request and their role. |
Component | PartyRiskLimitsUpdateGrp | N | Risk limits to be enforced for given party(-ies) and related party(-ies). |
58 | Text | N | |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | |
355 | EncodedText | N | |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
PartyRiskLimitsDefinitionRequestAck Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType=CT |
1666 | RiskLimitRequestID | Y | |
1761 | RiskLimitRequestResult | N | |
1762 | RiskLimitRequestStatus | Y | |
Component | RequestingPartyGrp | N | |
Component | PartyRiskLimitsAckGrp | N | |
58 | Text | N | |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | |
355 | EncodedText | N | |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
PartyEntitlementsRequest Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType=CU |
1770 | EntitlementRequestID | N | |
263 | SubscriptionRequestType | N | |
Component | RequestingPartyGrp | N | May be used to identify the party making the request and their role. |
Component | Parties | N | Scope of the query/request for specific party(-ies). |
Component | RequestedPartyRoleGrp | N | Scope of the query/request for specific party roles. For example, all information for PartyRole=24. |
1883 | EntitlementStatus | N | |
Component | EntitlementTypeGrp | N | |
1784 | EntitlementPlatform | N | |
Component | InstrumentScopeGrp | N | Scope of the query/request for specific securities. |
Component | MarketSegmentScopeGrp | N | |
58 | Text | N | |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | |
355 | EncodedText | N | |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
PartyEntitlementsReport Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType=CV |
Component | ApplicationSequenceControl | N | |
1771 | EntitlementReportID | Y | |
1770 | EntitlementRequestID | N | Conditionally required when responding to PartyEntitlementsRequest(35=CU). |
1511 | RequestResult | N | Conditionally required when responding to Party Entitlements Request. |
1512 | TotNoParties | N | |
893 | LastFragment | N | |
Component | PartyEntitlementGrp | N | |
60 | TransactTime | N | |
58 | Text | N | |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | |
355 | EncodedText | N | |
1328 | RejectText | N | |
1664 | EncodedRejectTextLen | N | |
1665 | EncodedRejectText | N | |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
PartyDetailsDefinitionRequest Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType=CX |
1505 | PartyDetailsListRequestID | Y | |
Component | RequestingPartyGrp | N | Can be used to identify the party making the request and their role. |
Component | PartyDetailsUpdateGrp | Y | Specifies the parties and relationships between parties to be defined, modified, or deleted. |
58 | Text | N | |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | |
355 | EncodedText | N | |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
PartyDetailsDefinitionRequestAck Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType=CY |
1505 | PartyDetailsListRequestID | Y | |
1878 | PartyDetailRequestStatus | Y | |
1877 | PartyDetailRequestResult | N | |
Component | RequestingPartyGrp | N | |
Component | PartyDetailAckGrp | N | |
58 | Text | N | |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | |
355 | EncodedText | N | |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
PartyEntitlementsUpdateReport Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType=CZ |
Component | ApplicationSequenceControl | N | |
1771 | EntitlementReportID | Y | |
1770 | EntitlementRequestID | N | Conditionally required when responding to a PartyEntitlementsRequest(35=CU) message. |
1512 | TotNoParties | N | |
893 | LastFragment | N | |
Component | RequestingPartyGrp | N | May be used to specify the requesting party in the event the request was made verbally or via other means. |
Component | PartyEntitlementUpdateGrp | Y | Specifies the updated entitlements to be enforced for the given party(-ies) and related party(-ies). |
60 | TransactTime | N | |
58 | Text | N | |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedText(355) field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
355 | EncodedText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text(58) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field. |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
PartyEntitlementsDefinitionRequest Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType=DA |
1770 | EntitlementRequestID | Y | |
Component | RequestingPartyGrp | N | Can be used to identify the party making the request and their role. |
Component | PartyEntitlementUpdateGrp | Y | Specifies the entitlements to be defined, modified or deleted for the given party(-ies) and related party(-ies). |
58 | Text | N | |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | |
355 | EncodedText | N | |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
PartyEntitlementsDefinitionRequestAck Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType=DB |
1770 | EntitlementRequestID | Y | |
1882 | EntitlementRequestStatus | Y | |
1881 | EntitlementRequestResult | N | |
Component | RequestingPartyGrp | N | |
Component | PartyEntitlementAckGrp | N | |
58 | Text | N | |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | |
355 | EncodedText | N | |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
PartyRiskLimitsReportAck Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType=DE |
1667 | RiskLimitReportID | Y | The identifier of the PartyRiskLimitReport(35=CM) or PartyRiskLimitUpdateReport(35=CR) message. |
1666 | RiskLimitRequestID | N | |
2316 | RiskLimitReportStatus | Y | |
2317 | RiskLimitReportRejectReason | N | Conditionally required when RiskLimitReportStatus(2316)=1 (Rejected). |
Component | PartyRiskLimitsUpdateGrp | N | |
60 | TransactTime | N | |
1328 | RejectText | N | |
1664 | EncodedRejectTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedRejectText(1665) field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
1665 | EncodedRejectText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the RejectText(1328) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field. |
58 | Text | N | |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedText(355) field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
355 | EncodedText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text(58) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field. |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1777 | NoEntitlementAttrib | N | |
→1778 | EntitlementAttribType | N | Required if NoEntitlementAttrib(1777) > 0. |
→1779 | EntitlementAttribDatatype | N | If specified, and this is an attribute published by FPL in the external code list, this must agree with the published datatype. |
→1780 | EntitlementAttribValue | N | Required if NoEntitlementAttrib(1777) > 0. |
→1781 | EntitlementAttribCurrency | N | |
→2940 | EntitlementAttribCurrencyCodeSource | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1773 | NoEntitlements | N | |
→1774 | EntitlementIndicator | N | Required if NoEntitlements(1773) > 0. |
→1775 | EntitlementType | N | Absence of this field indicates the meaning of the entitlement is implicit. |
→2402 | EntitlementSubType | N | |
→Component | EntitlementAttribGrp | N | |
→1776 | EntitlementID | N | |
→1784 | EntitlementPlatform | N | |
→Component | InstrumentScopeGrp | N | |
→Component | MarketSegmentScopeGrp | N | |
→1782 | EntitlementStartDate | N | |
→1783 | EntitlementEndDate | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
2345 | NoEntitlementTypes | N | |
→1775 | EntitlementType | N | Required if NoEntitlementTypes(2345) > 0. |
→2402 | EntitlementSubType | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1676 | NoPartyUpdates | N | |
→1324 | ListUpdateAction | N | Required if NoPartyUpdates(1676) > 0. |
→1879 | PartyDetailDefinitionStatus | N | Required if NoPartyUpdates(1676) > 0. |
→1880 | PartyDetailDefinitionResult | N | |
→1328 | RejectText | N | |
→1664 | EncodedRejectTextLen | N | |
→1665 | EncodedRejectText | N | |
→Component | PartyDetailGrp | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1676 | NoPartyUpdates | N | |
→1324 | ListUpdateAction | N | Required if NoPartyUpdates > 0. |
→Component | PartyDetailGrp | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1772 | NoPartyEntitlements | N | |
→1324 | ListUpdateAction | N | Required if NoPartyEntitlements(1772). |
→1883 | EntitlementStatus | N | Required if NoPartyEntitlements(1772). |
→1884 | EntitlementResult | N | |
→1328 | RejectText | N | |
→1664 | EncodedRejectTextLen | N | |
→1665 | EncodedRejectText | N | |
→Component | PartyDetailGrp | N | Optional when ListUpdateAction(1324) = M(Modify) or D(Delete) and EntitlementRefID(1885) is provided. |
→Component | EntitlementGrp | N | Optional when ListUpdateAction(1324) = M(Modify) or D(Delete) and EntitlementRefID(1885) is provided. |
→1885 | EntitlementRefID | N | Optional when PartyDetailGrp is provided or ListUpdateAction(1324) = A(Add). |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1772 | NoPartyEntitlements | N | |
→Component | PartyDetailGrp | N | Required if NoPartyEntitlements(1772) > 0. |
→1883 | EntitlementStatus | N | |
→Component | EntitlementGrp | N | Required unless omitted to indicate the removal of entitlements for the party(-ies) specified in the PartyDetailGrp component. |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1772 | NoPartyEntitlements | N | |
→1324 | ListUpdateAction | N | Required if NoPartyEntitlements(1772). |
→Component | PartyDetailGrp | N | Optional when ListUpdateAction(1324) = M(Modify) or D(Delete) and EntitlementRefID(1885) is provided. |
→1883 | EntitlementStatus | N | |
→Component | EntitlementGrp | N | Optional when ListUpdateAction(1324) = M(Modify) or D(Delete) and EntitlementRefID(1885) is provided. |
→1885 | EntitlementRefID | N | Optional when PartyDetailGrp is provided or ListUpdateAction(1324) = A(Add). |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1677 | NoPartyRiskLimits | N | |
→1324 | ListUpdateAction | N | Required if NoPartyRiskLimits(1677) > 0. |
→1763 | RiskLimitStatus | N | Required if NoPartyRiskLimits(1677) > 0. |
→1764 | RiskLimitResult | N | |
→Component | PartyDetailGrp | N | Conditionally required when RiskLimitID(1670) is not provided. Changes to party or related party(-ies) defined in the request are not permitted. |
→Component | RiskLimitsGrp | N | Conditionally required when RiskLimitStatus(1763) = 1(Accepted with changes) and must then be complete, i.e. omissions compared to the request represent risk limits that were removed, additional risk limits are possible. |
→1670 | RiskLimitID | N | Conditionally required when PartyDetailGrp component is not provided. |
→2339 | RiskLimitCheckModelType | N | |
→1328 | RejectText | N | |
→1664 | EncodedRejectTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedRejectText(1665) field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
→1665 | EncodedRejectText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the RejectText(1328) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field. |
→2355 | PartyRiskLimitStatus | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1677 | NoPartyRiskLimits | N | |
→Component | PartyDetailGrp | N | Required if NoPartyRiskLimits(1677) > 0. |
→Component | RiskLimitsGrp | N | Required if NoPartyRiskLimits(1677) > 0. Omit to implicitly report removal of risk limits. |
→1670 | RiskLimitID | N | |
→2339 | RiskLimitCheckModelType | N | |
→2355 | PartyRiskLimitStatus | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1677 | NoPartyRiskLimits | N | |
→1324 | ListUpdateAction | N | Required if NoPartyRiskLimits(1677) > 0. |
→Component | PartyDetailGrp | N | Conditionally required when ListUpdateAction(1324) = A(Add). Conditionally required when ListUpdateAction(1324) = M(Modify) or D(Delete) and RiskLimitID(1670) is not provided. |
→Component | RiskLimitsGrp | N | Conditionally required when ListUpdateAction(1324) = A(Add) or M(Modify). |
→1670 | RiskLimitID | N | Conditionally required when PartyDetailGrp component is not provided. |
→2339 | RiskLimitCheckModelType | N | |
→2355 | PartyRiskLimitStatus | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1508 | NoRequestedPartyRoles | N | |
→1509 | RequestedPartyRole | N | Identifies the type of party role requested. Required if NoRequestedPartyRoles > 0. |
→2386 | RequestedPartyRoleQualifier | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1668 | NoRequestedRiskLimitType | N | |
→1530 | RiskLimitType | N | Required if NoRequestedRiskLimitType > 0. |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1534 | NoRiskInstrumentScopes | N | |
→1535 | InstrumentScopeOperator | N | Required when NoRiskInstrumentScopes > 0. |
→Component | InstrumentScope | N | |
→1558 | RiskInstrumentMultiplier | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1529 | NoRiskLimitTypes | N | |
→1530 | RiskLimitType | N | Required if NoRiskLimitTypes(1529) > 0. |
→1531 | RiskLimitAmount | N | |
→1767 | RiskLimitAction | N | |
→1766 | RiskLimitUtilizationAmount | N | Not applicable in a request. |
→1765 | RiskLimitUtilizationPercent | N | Not applicable in a request. |
→1532 | RiskLimitCurrency | N | |
→2939 | RiskLimitCurrencyCodeSource | N | |
→1533 | RiskLimitPlatform | N | |
→2336 | RiskLimitVelocityPeriod | N | Conditionally required when RiskLimitType(1530) = 10 (Clip size) |
→2337 | RiskLimitVelocityUnit | N | |
→Component | RiskWarningLevelGrp | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1669 | NoRiskLimits | N | |
→Component | RiskLimitTypesGrp | N | Required if NoRiskLimits(1669) > 0. |
→Component | RiskInstrumentScopeGrp | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1559 | NoRiskWarningLevels | N | |
→1769 | RiskWarningLevelAction | N | Required if NoRiskWarningLevels(1559) > 0. |
→1560 | RiskWarningLevelPercent | N | Conditionally required when RiskWarningLevelAmount(1768) is not provided. |
→1768 | RiskWarningLevelAmount | N | Conditionally required when RiskWarningLevelPercent(1560) is not provided. |
→1561 | RiskWarningLevelName | N |
Appendix – QuotationNegotiation Category
QuoteRequestReject Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = AG |
131 | QuoteReqID | Y | |
644 | RFQReqID | N | For tradeable quote model – used to indicate to which RFQ Request this Quote Request is in response. |
658 | QuoteRequestRejectReason | Y | Reason Quote was rejected |
1171 | PrivateQuote | N | Used to indicate whether a private negotiation is requested or if the response should be public. Only relevant in markets supporting both Private and Public quotes. |
1172 | RespondentType | N | |
1091 | PreTradeAnonymity | N | |
Component | RootParties | N | Insert here the set of Root Partiesfields defined in common components of application messages. Used for acting parties that applies to the whole message, not individual legs, sides, etc. |
Component | QuotReqRjctGrp | Y | Number of related symbols (instruments) in Request |
58 | Text | N | |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedText field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
355 | EncodedText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field. |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
RFQRequest Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = AH |
644 | RFQReqID | Y | |
Component | Parties | N | Insert here the set of Parties (firm identification) fields defined in COMMON COMPONENTS OF APPLICATION MESSAGES |
Component | RFQReqGrp | Y | Number of related symbols (instruments) in Request |
263 | SubscriptionRequestType | N | Used to subscribe for Quote Requests that are sent into a market |
1171 | PrivateQuote | N | Used to indicate whether a private negotiation is requested or if the response should be public. Only relevant in markets supporting both Private and Public quotes. If field is not provided in message, the model used must be bilaterally agreed. |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
QuoteStatusReport Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = AI |
649 | QuoteStatusReqID | N | |
131 | QuoteReqID | N | Required when quote is in response to a Quote Request message |
117 | QuoteID | N | Contains the QuoteID(117) of a single Quote(MsgType=S) or QuoteEntryID(299) of a MassQuote(MsgType=i). |
390 | BidID | N | Contains the BidID(390) of a single Quote(35=S). |
1867 | OfferID | N | Contains the QuoteID(1867) of a single Quote(35=S). |
1751 | SecondaryQuoteID | N | |
1166 | QuoteMsgID | N | Contains the QuoteMsgID(1166) of a single Quote(MsgType=S) or QuoteID(117) of a MassQuote(MsgType=i). |
693 | QuoteRespID | N | Required when responding to a QuoteResponse(35=AJ) message. |
537 | QuoteType | N | If not specified, the default is an indicative quote. |
298 | QuoteCancelType | N | |
Component | Parties | N | |
Component | TargetParties | N | Can be populated with the values provided on the associated QuoteStatusRequest(MsgType=A). |
336 | TradingSessionID | N | |
625 | TradingSessionSubID | N | |
Component | Instrument | N | Conditionally required when reporting status of a single security quote. |
Component | FinancingDetails | N | |
Component | UndInstrmtGrp | N | |
54 | Side | N | |
Component | OrderQtyData | N | Conditionally required for quotes of single instrument depending on the type of instrument when QuoteType(537)=1 (Tradeable). |
63 | SettlType | N | |
64 | SettlDate | N | Can be used with forex quotes to specify a specific value date |
2878 | TerminationDate | N | |
15 | Currency | N | Can be used to specify the currency of the quoted prices. May differ from the ‘normal’ trading currency of the instrument being quoted |
2897 | CurrencyCodeSource | N | |
Component | Stipulations | N | |
1 | Account | N | |
660 | AcctIDSource | N | |
581 | AccountType | N | |
Component | LegQuotStatGrp | N | Conditionally required for multileg quote status reports. |
Component | QuotQualGrp | N | |
Component | QuoteAttributeGrp | N | |
2830 | EventInitiatorType | N | |
2115 | NegotiationMethod | N | |
126 | ExpireTime | N | |
44 | Price | N | |
423 | PriceType | N | |
Component | PriceQualifierGrp | N | |
Component | SpreadOrBenchmarkCurveData | N | |
Component | YieldData | N | |
1747 | BidQuoteID | N | |
1748 | OfferQuoteID | N | |
1745 | BidMDEntryID | N | |
1746 | OfferMDEntryID | N | |
132 | BidPx | N | If F/X quote, should be the all-inrate (spot rate adjusted for forward points). Note that either BidPx, OfferPx or both must be specified. |
133 | OfferPx | N | If F/X quote, should be the all-inrate (spot rate adjusted for forward points). Note that either BidPx, OfferPx or both must be specified. |
645 | MktBidPx | N | Can be used by markets that require showing the current best bid and offer |
646 | MktOfferPx | N | Can be used by markets that require showing the current best bid and offer |
647 | MinBidSize | N | Used for markets that use a minimum and maximum bid size. |
134 | BidSize | N | If MinBidSize(647) is specified, BidSize(134) is interpreted to contain the maximum bid size. |
1749 | TotalBidSize | N | |
648 | MinOfferSize | N | Used for markets that use a minimum and maximum offer size. |
135 | OfferSize | N | If MinOfferSize(648) is specified, OfferSize(135) is interpreted to contain the maximum offer size. |
1750 | TotalOfferSize | N | |
110 | MinQty | N | |
62 | ValidUntilTime | N | |
188 | BidSpotRate | N | |
190 | OfferSpotRate | N | |
189 | BidForwardPoints | N | |
191 | OfferForwardPoints | N | |
631 | MidPx | N | |
632 | BidYield | N | |
633 | MidYield | N | |
634 | OfferYield | N | |
60 | TransactTime | N | |
Component | TrdRegTimestamps | N | |
40 | OrdType | N | Can be used to specify the type of order the quote is for |
656 | SettlCurrBidFxRate | N | Can be used when the quote is provided in a currency other than the instrument’s ‘normal’ trading currency. Applies to all bid prices contained in this message |
657 | SettlCurrOfferFxRate | N | Can be used when the quote is provided in a currency other than the instrument’s ‘normal’ trading currency. Applies to all offer prices contained in this message |
156 | SettlCurrFxRateCalc | N | Can be used when the quote is provided in a currency other than the instruments trading currency. |
Component | CommissionData | N | Can be used to show the counterparty the commission associated with the transaction. |
582 | CustOrderCapacity | N | |
100 | ExDestination | N | Used when routing quotes to multiple markets |
1133 | ExDestinationIDSource | N | |
775 | BookingType | N | |
528 | OrderCapacity | N | |
529 | OrderRestrictions | N | |
1934 | RegulatoryReportType | N | |
297 | QuoteStatus | N | |
300 | QuoteRejectReason | N | |
1328 | RejectText | N | Reason description for rejecting the quote. |
1664 | EncodedRejectTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedRejectText(1665) field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
1665 | EncodedRejectText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the RejectText(1328) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field. |
1937 | TradeContinuation | N | If specified, this should echo the value in the message this status message is in response to. |
2374 | TradeContinuationText | N | |
2372 | EncodedTradeContinuationTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedTradeContinuationText(2371) field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
2371 | EncodedTradeContinuationText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the TradeContinuationText(2374) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field. |
Component | ThrottleResponse | N | |
58 | Text | N | |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | |
355 | EncodedText | N | |
443 | StrikeTime | N | Conditionally required when QuoteQual(695) = d (Deferred spot) is specified. |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
QuoteResponse Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = AJ |
693 | QuoteRespID | Y | Unique ID as assigned by the Initiator |
117 | QuoteID | N | Required only when responding to a Quote. |
1166 | QuoteMsgID | N | Optionally used when responding to a Quote. |
131 | QuoteReqID | N | Contains the QuoteReqID(131) of the QuoteRequest(35=R). |
694 | QuoteRespType | Y | |
11 | ClOrdID | N | Unique ID as assigned by the Initiator. Required only in two-party models when QuoteRespType(694) = 1 (Hit/Lift) or 2 (Counter quote). |
528 | OrderCapacity | N | |
529 | OrderRestrictions | N | |
23 | IOIID | N | Required only when responding to an IOI. |
1091 | PreTradeAnonymity | N | |
Component | QuotQualGrp | N | |
828 | TrdType | N | May be used by SEFs (Swap Execution Facilities) to indicate a block swap transaction. |
2347 | RegulatoryTransactionType | N | |
2115 | NegotiationMethod | N | |
Component | Parties | N | Insert here the set of Parties(firm identification) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages |
336 | TradingSessionID | N | |
625 | TradingSessionSubID | N | |
Component | Instrument | Y | Insert here the set of Instrument(symbology) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages For multilegs supply minimally a value for Symbol (55). |
Component | FinancingDetails | N | Insert here the set of FinancingDetails(symbology) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages For multilegs supply minimally a value for Symbol (55). |
Component | UndInstrmtGrp | N | Number of underlyings |
54 | Side | N | Required when countering a single instrument quote or hit/liftan IOI or Quote. |
Component | OrderQtyData | N | Conditionally required when countering a single instrument quote or hit/liftan IOI or Quote when applicable for the type of instrument. |
110 | MinQty | N | |
63 | SettlType | N | |
64 | SettlDate | N | Can be used with forex quotes to specify a specific value date |
2878 | TerminationDate | N | |
15 | Currency | N | Can be used to specify the currency of the quoted prices. May differ from the ‘normal’ trading currency of the instrument being quoted |
2897 | CurrencyCodeSource | N | |
Component | Stipulations | N | Optional |
1 | Account | N | |
660 | AcctIDSource | N | Used to identify the source of the Account code. |
581 | AccountType | N | Type of account associated with the order (Origin) |
Component | LegQuotGrp | N | Required for multileg quote response |
132 | BidPx | N | If F/X quote, should be the all-inrate (spot rate adjusted for forward points). Note that either BidPx, OfferPx or both must be specified. |
133 | OfferPx | N | If F/X quote, should be the all-inrate (spot rate adjusted for forward points). Note that either BidPx, OfferPx or both must be specified. |
645 | MktBidPx | N | Can be used by markets that require showing the current best bid and offer |
646 | MktOfferPx | N | Can be used by markets that require showing the current best bid and offer |
647 | MinBidSize | N | Specifies the minimum bid size. Used for markets that use a minimum and maximum bid size. |
134 | BidSize | N | Specifies the bid size. If MinBidSize is specified, BidSize is interpreted to contain the maximum bid size. |
648 | MinOfferSize | N | Specifies the minimum offer size. If MinOfferSize is specified, OfferSize is interpreted to contain the maximum offer size. |
135 | OfferSize | N | Specified the offer size. If MinOfferSize is specified, OfferSize is interpreted to contain the maximum offer size. |
62 | ValidUntilTime | N | The time when the QuoteResponse(35=AJ) will expire. Required for FI when the QuoteRespType(694) is either 1 (Hit/Lift) or 2 (Counter quote) to indicate to the respondent when the offer is valid until. |
188 | BidSpotRate | N | May be applicable for F/X quotes |
190 | OfferSpotRate | N | May be applicable for F/X quotes |
189 | BidForwardPoints | N | May be applicable for F/X quotes |
191 | OfferForwardPoints | N | May be applicable for F/X quotes |
631 | MidPx | N | |
632 | BidYield | N | |
633 | MidYield | N | |
634 | OfferYield | N | |
60 | TransactTime | N | |
40 | OrdType | N | Can be used to specify the type of order the quote is for. |
656 | SettlCurrBidFxRate | N | Can be used when the quote is provided in a currency other than the instrument’s ‘normal’ trading currency. Applies to all bid prices contained in this quote message |
657 | SettlCurrOfferFxRate | N | Can be used when the quote is provided in a currency other than the instrument’s ‘normal’ trading currency. Applies to all offer prices contained in this quote message |
156 | SettlCurrFxRateCalc | N | Can be used when the quote is provided in a currency other than the instruments trading currency. |
Component | CommissionData | N | Can be used to show the counterparty the commission associated with the transaction. |
582 | CustOrderCapacity | N | For Futures Exchanges |
100 | ExDestination | N | Used when routing quotes to multiple markets |
1133 | ExDestinationIDSource | N | |
58 | Text | N | |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedText field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
355 | EncodedText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field. |
44 | Price | N | |
423 | PriceType | N | |
Component | PriceQualifierGrp | N | |
1917 | CoverPrice | N | |
Component | SpreadOrBenchmarkCurveData | N | Insert here the set of SpreadOrBenchmarkCurveDatafields defined in Common Components of Application Messages |
Component | YieldData | N | Insert here the set of YieldDatafields defined in Common Components of Application Messages |
1937 | TradeContinuation | N | May be used to indicate the quote/negotiation is for the specified post-execution trade continuation or lifecycle event. |
2374 | TradeContinuationText | N | |
2372 | EncodedTradeContinuationTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedTradeContinuationText(2371) field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
2371 | EncodedTradeContinuationText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the TradeContinuationText(2374) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field. |
443 | StrikeTime | N | Conditionally required when QuoteQual(695) = d (Deferred spot) is specified. |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
QuoteAck Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | 35=CW |
117 | QuoteID | N | Contains the QuoteID(117) of a single Quote(35=S). |
1166 | QuoteMsgID | N | Contains the QuoteMsgID(1166) of a single Quote(35=S) or QuoteCancel(35=Z). |
131 | QuoteReqID | N | |
537 | QuoteType | N | |
298 | QuoteCancelType | N | |
1751 | SecondaryQuoteID | N | |
1865 | QuoteAckStatus | Y | |
300 | QuoteRejectReason | N | Conditionally required when QuoteAckStatus(1865) = 2(Rejected). |
1328 | RejectText | N | |
1664 | EncodedRejectTextLen | N | |
1665 | EncodedRejectText | N | |
Component | Parties | N | |
Component | QuoteAttributeGrp | N | May be used by the quote receiver to inform quote provider of pre-trade transparency waiver determination in the context of MiFID II. |
58 | Text | N | |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | |
355 | EncodedText | N | |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
QuoteRequest Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = R |
131 | QuoteReqID | Y | |
644 | RFQReqID | N | For tradeable quote model – used to indicate to which RFQ Request this Quote Request is in response. |
11 | ClOrdID | N | Required only in two party models when QuoteType(537) = ‘1’ (Tradeable) and the OrdType(40) = ‘2’ (Limit). |
775 | BookingType | N | |
528 | OrderCapacity | N | |
529 | OrderRestrictions | N | |
1171 | PrivateQuote | N | Used to indicate whether a private negotiation is requested or if the response should be public. Only relevant in markets supporting both Private and Public quotes. If field is not provided in message, the model used must be bilaterally agreed. |
1172 | RespondentType | N | |
1091 | PreTradeAnonymity | N | |
Component | RootParties | N | Insert here the set of Root Partiesfields defined in common components of application messages. Used for acting parties that applies to the whole message, not individual legs, sides, etc. |
Component | QuotReqGrp | Y | Number of related symbols (instruments) in Request |
376 | ComplianceID | N | |
2404 | ComplianceText | N | |
2351 | EncodedComplianceTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedComplianceText(2352) field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
2352 | EncodedComplianceText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the ComplianceText(2404) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field. |
58 | Text | N | |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedText field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
355 | EncodedText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field. |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
Quote Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = S |
131 | QuoteReqID | N | Required when quote is in response to a QuoteRequest(35=R) message. |
117 | QuoteID | Y | |
390 | BidID | N | Unique identifier for the bid side of the quote. |
1867 | OfferID | N | Unique identifier for the ask side of the quote. |
1751 | SecondaryQuoteID | N | Can be used when modifying an existing quote. |
1166 | QuoteMsgID | N | Optionally used to supply a message identifier for a quote. |
693 | QuoteRespID | N | Required when responding to the QuoteResponse(35=AJ) message. The counterparty specified ID of the QuoteResponse(35=AJ) message. |
1080 | RefOrderID | N | May be used to refer to a related quote. |
1081 | RefOrderIDSource | N | Conditionally required if RefOrderID(1080) is specified. |
537 | QuoteType | N | If not specified, the default is an indicative quote. |
2403 | QuoteModelType | N | |
1171 | PrivateQuote | N | Used to indicate whether a private negotiation is requested or if the response should be public. Only relevant in markets supporting both Private and Public quotes. If field is not provided in message, the model used must be bilaterally agreed. |
2837 | SingleQuoteIndicator | N | |
Component | QuotQualGrp | N | |
828 | TrdType | N | |
2115 | NegotiationMethod | N | |
301 | QuoteResponseLevel | N | |
Component | QuoteAttributeGrp | N | May be used by the quote provider to indicate pre-trade transparency waiver determination in the context of MiFID II. |
Component | ValueChecksGrp | N | |
Component | Parties | N | |
336 | TradingSessionID | N | |
625 | TradingSessionSubID | N | |
Component | Instrument | Y | |
Component | FinancingDetails | N | |
Component | UndInstrmtGrp | N | |
54 | Side | N | Required for 1-sided tradeable or counter quotes of single instruments. Omit for 2-sided tradeable quote. |
Component | OrderQtyData | N | Conditionally required for Tradeable or Counter quotes of single instruments when applicable for the type of instrument. |
63 | SettlType | N | |
64 | SettlDate | N | Can be used with forex quotes to specify a specific value date. For NDFs this is required. |
15 | Currency | N | Can be used to specify the currency of the quoted prices. May differ from the ‘normal’ trading currency of the instrument being quoted |
2897 | CurrencyCodeSource | N | |
120 | SettlCurrency | N | Required for NDFs to specify the settlement currency (fixing currency). |
2899 | SettlCurrencyCodeSource | N | |
Component | RateSource | N | |
Component | Stipulations | N | |
1 | Account | N | |
660 | AcctIDSource | N | |
581 | AccountType | N | |
522 | OwnerType | N | |
377 | SolicitedFlag | N | |
Component | LegQuotGrp | N | Required for multileg quotes |
132 | BidPx | N | If F/X quote, should be the all-inrate (spot rate adjusted for forward points). Note that either BidPx, OfferPx or both must be specified. |
133 | OfferPx | N | If F/X quote, should be the all-inrate (spot rate adjusted for forward points). Note that either BidPx, OfferPx or both must be specified. |
645 | MktBidPx | N | Can be used by markets that require showing the current best bid and offer |
646 | MktOfferPx | N | Can be used by markets that require showing the current best bid and offer |
647 | MinBidSize | N | Used for markets that use a minimum and maximum bid size. |
134 | BidSize | N | If MinBidSize(647) is specified, BidSize(134) is interpreted to contain the maximum bid size. |
1749 | TotalBidSize | N | |
648 | MinOfferSize | N | Used for markets that use a minimum and maximum offer size. |
135 | OfferSize | N | If MinOfferSize(648) is specified, OfferSize(135) is interpreted to contain the maximum offer size. |
1750 | TotalOfferSize | N | |
110 | MinQty | N | For use in private/directed quote negotiations. |
1629 | ExposureDuration | N | |
1916 | ExposureDurationUnit | N | |
62 | ValidUntilTime | N | The time when the quote will expire |
188 | BidSpotRate | N | |
190 | OfferSpotRate | N | |
189 | BidForwardPoints | N | |
191 | OfferForwardPoints | N | |
1065 | BidSwapPoints | N | |
1066 | OfferSwapPoints | N | |
631 | MidPx | N | |
632 | BidYield | N | |
633 | MidYield | N | |
634 | OfferYield | N | |
60 | TransactTime | N | |
Component | TrdRegTimestamps | N | |
40 | OrdType | N | Can be used to specify the type of order the quote is for |
656 | SettlCurrBidFxRate | N | Can be used when the quote is provided in a currency other than the instrument’s ‘normal’ trading currency. Applies to all bid prices contained in this quote message |
657 | SettlCurrOfferFxRate | N | Can be used when the quote is provided in a currency other than the instrument’s ‘normal’ trading currency. Applies to all offer prices contained in this quote message |
156 | SettlCurrFxRateCalc | N | Can be used when the quote is provided in a currency other than the instruments trading currency. |
Component | CommissionData | N | Can be used to show the counterparty the commission associated with the transaction. |
582 | CustOrderCapacity | N | |
100 | ExDestination | N | Used when routing quotes to multiple markets |
1133 | ExDestinationIDSource | N | |
775 | BookingType | N | |
528 | OrderCapacity | N | |
529 | OrderRestrictions | N | |
1934 | RegulatoryReportType | N | |
423 | PriceType | N | |
Component | PriceQualifierGrp | N | |
2533 | BidSpread | N | SpreadOrBenchmarkCurveData component may be used to specify the benchmark. |
2534 | OfferSpread | N | SpreadOrBenchmarkCurveData component may be used to specify the benchmark. |
Component | SpreadOrBenchmarkCurveData | N | Spread(218) may be used for a mid-spread value. |
Component | RelativeValueGrp | N | |
Component | YieldData | N | |
Component | RoutingGrp | N | |
1937 | TradeContinuation | N | May be used to indicate the quote/negotiation is for the specified post-execution trade continuation or lifecycle event. |
2374 | TradeContinuationText | N | |
2372 | EncodedTradeContinuationTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedTradeContinuationText(2371) field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
2371 | EncodedTradeContinuationText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the TradeContinuationText(2374) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field. |
2362 | SelfMatchPreventionID | N | |
2964 | SelfMatchPreventionInstruction | N | |
1685 | ThrottleInst | N | |
376 | ComplianceID | N | |
2404 | ComplianceText | N | |
2351 | EncodedComplianceTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedComplianceText(2352) field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
2352 | EncodedComplianceText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the ComplianceText(2404) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field. |
58 | Text | N | |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedText field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
355 | EncodedText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field. |
443 | StrikeTime | N | Conditionally required when QuoteQual(695) = d (Deferred spot) is specified. |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
QuoteCancel Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = Z |
131 | QuoteReqID | N | Required when quote is in response to a Quote Request message |
117 | QuoteID | N | Conditionally required when QuoteCancelType(298) = 5 (Cancel specified single quote) and SecondarlyQuoteID(1751) is not specified. Maps to QuoteID(117) of a single Quote(35=S) or QuoteEntryID(299) of a MassQuote(35=i) |
1751 | SecondaryQuoteID | N | Conditionally required when QuoteCancelType(298) = 5 (Cancel specific single quote) and QuoteID(117) is not specified. |
1166 | QuoteMsgID | N | Optionally used to supply a message identifier for a quote cancel. |
298 | QuoteCancelType | Y | Identifies the type of Quote Cancel request. |
537 | QuoteType | N | Conditionally required when QuoteCancelType(298)=6(Cancel by type of quote). |
301 | QuoteResponseLevel | N | Level of Response requested from receiver of quote messages. |
Component | Parties | N | Insert here the set of Parties(firm identification) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages |
Component | TargetParties | N | Can be used to specify the parties to whom the Quote Cancel should be applied. |
1 | Account | N | |
660 | AcctIDSource | N | |
581 | AccountType | N | Type of account associated with the order (Origin) |
336 | TradingSessionID | N | |
625 | TradingSessionSubID | N | |
Component | QuotCxlEntriesGrp | N | The number of securities (instruments) whose quotes are to be canceled Not required when cancelling all quotes. |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
QuoteStatusRequest Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = a (lowercase) |
649 | QuoteStatusReqID | N | |
117 | QuoteID | N | Maps to: – QuoteID(117) of a single Quote – QuoteEntryID(299) of a Mass Quote. |
Component | Instrument | N | Conditionally required when requesting status of a single security quote. |
Component | FinancingDetails | N | Insert here the set of FinancingDetails(symbology) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages |
Component | UndInstrmtGrp | N | Number of underlyings |
Component | InstrmtLegGrp | N | Required for multileg quotes |
Component | Parties | N | Insert here the set of Parties(firm identification) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages |
Component | TargetParties | N | Can be used to specify the parties to whom the Quote Status Request should apply. |
1 | Account | N | |
660 | AcctIDSource | N | |
581 | AccountType | N | Type of account associated with the order (Origin) |
336 | TradingSessionID | N | |
625 | TradingSessionSubID | N | |
263 | SubscriptionRequestType | N | Used to subscribe for Quote Status Report messages |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
MassQuoteAck Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = b (lowercase) |
131 | QuoteReqID | N | Required when acknowledgment is in response to a Quote Request message |
117 | QuoteID | N | Required when acknowledgment is in response to a Mass Quote, mass Quote Cancel or mass Quote Status Request message. Maps to: – QuoteID(117) of a Mass Quote – QuoteMsgID(1166) of Quote Cancel – QuoteStatusReqID(649) of Quote Status Request |
297 | QuoteStatus | Y | Status of the mass quote acknowledgement. |
300 | QuoteRejectReason | N | Reason Quote was rejected. |
301 | QuoteResponseLevel | N | Level of Response requested from receiver of quote messages. Is echoed back to the counterparty. |
537 | QuoteType | N | Type of Quote |
298 | QuoteCancelType | N | |
Component | Parties | N | Insert here the set of Parties(firm identification) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages |
Component | TargetParties | N | Should be populated if the Mass Quote Acknowledgement is acknowledging a mass quote cancellation by party. |
1 | Account | N | |
660 | AcctIDSource | N | |
581 | AccountType | N | Type of account associated with the order (Origin) |
376 | ComplianceID | N | |
2404 | ComplianceText | N | |
2351 | EncodedComplianceTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedComplianceText(2352) field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
2352 | EncodedComplianceText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the ComplianceText(2404) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field. |
58 | Text | N | |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | |
355 | EncodedText | N | |
Component | QuotSetAckGrp | N | The number of sets of quotes in the message |
Component | ThrottleResponse | N | |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
MassQuote Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = i (lowercase) |
131 | QuoteReqID | N | Required when quote is in response to a Quote Request message |
117 | QuoteID | Y | |
537 | QuoteType | N | Type of Quote Default is Indicative if not specified |
2403 | QuoteModelType | N | |
301 | QuoteResponseLevel | N | Level of Response requested from receiver of quote messages. |
Component | Parties | N | Insert here the set of Parties(firm identification) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages |
1 | Account | N | |
660 | AcctIDSource | N | |
581 | AccountType | N | Type of account associated with the order (Origin) |
293 | DefBidSize | N | Default Bid Size for quote contained within this quote message – if not explicitly provided. |
294 | DefOfferSize | N | Default Offer Size for quotes contained within this quote message – if not explicitly provided. |
Component | QuotSetGrp | Y | The number of sets of quotes in the message |
2362 | SelfMatchPreventionID | N | |
2964 | SelfMatchPreventionInstruction | N | |
1685 | ThrottleInst | N | |
376 | ComplianceID | N | |
2404 | ComplianceText | N | |
2351 | EncodedComplianceTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedComplianceText(2352) field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
2352 | EncodedComplianceText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the ComplianceText(2404) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field. |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
555 | NoLegs | N | |
→Component | InstrumentLeg | N | Required if NoLegs(555) > 0. |
→685 | LegOrderQty | N | |
→2346 | LegMidPx | N | |
→690 | LegSwapType | N | |
→587 | LegSettlType | N | |
→588 | LegSettlDate | N | |
→Component | LegStipulations | N | |
→Component | NestedParties | N | |
→686 | LegPriceType | N | Code to represent type of price presented in LegBidPx(681) and LegOfferPx(684). Conditionally required when LegBidPx(681) or PegOfferPx(684) is present. |
→681 | LegBidPx | N | |
→684 | LegOfferPx | N | |
→Component | LegBenchmarkCurveData | N | |
→1067 | LegBidForwardPoints | N | |
→1068 | LegOfferForwardPoints | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
555 | NoLegs | N | |
→Component | InstrumentLeg | N | Required if NoLegs(555) > 0. |
→685 | LegOrderQty | N | |
→2346 | LegMidPx | N | |
→690 | LegSwapType | N | |
→587 | LegSettlType | N | |
→588 | LegSettlDate | N | |
→Component | LegStipulations | N | |
→Component | NestedParties | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
295 | NoQuoteEntries | N | |
→Component | Instrument | N | Insert here the set of Instrument(symbology) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages |
→Component | FinancingDetails | N | Insert here the set of FinancingDetails(symbology) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages |
→Component | UndInstrmtGrp | N | |
→Component | InstrmtLegGrp | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
295 | NoQuoteEntries | N | |
→299 | QuoteEntryID | N | Uniquely identifies the quote across the complete set of all quotes for a given quote provider. First field in repeating group. Required if NoQuoteEntries > 0. |
→Component | Instrument | N | Insert here the set of Instrument(symbology) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages |
→Component | InstrmtLegGrp | N | |
→132 | BidPx | N | If F/X quote, should be the all-inrate (spot rate adjusted for forward points). Note that either BidPx, OfferPx or both must be specified. |
→133 | OfferPx | N | If F/X quote, should be the all-inrate (spot rate adjusted for forward points). Note that either BidPx, OfferPx or both must be specified. |
→134 | BidSize | N | |
→135 | OfferSize | N | |
→62 | ValidUntilTime | N | |
→188 | BidSpotRate | N | May be applicable for F/X quotes |
→190 | OfferSpotRate | N | May be applicable for F/X quotes |
→189 | BidForwardPoints | N | May be applicable for F/X quotes |
→191 | OfferForwardPoints | N | May be applicable for F/X quotes |
→631 | MidPx | N | |
→632 | BidYield | N | |
→633 | MidYield | N | |
→634 | OfferYield | N | |
→60 | TransactTime | N | |
→336 | TradingSessionID | N | |
→625 | TradingSessionSubID | N | |
→64 | SettlDate | N | Can be used with forex quotes to specify a specific value date |
→40 | OrdType | N | Can be used to specify the type of order the quote is for |
→15 | Currency | N | Can be used to specify the currency of the quoted price. |
→2897 | CurrencyCodeSource | N | |
→775 | BookingType | N | |
→528 | OrderCapacity | N | |
→529 | OrderRestrictions | N | |
→1167 | QuoteEntryStatus | N | |
→368 | QuoteEntryRejectReason | N | Reason Quote Entry was rejected. |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
295 | NoQuoteEntries | N | |
→299 | QuoteEntryID | Y | Uniquely identifies the quote across the complete set of all quotes for a given quote provider. |
→Component | Instrument | N | Insert here the set of Instrument(symbology) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages |
→Component | InstrmtLegGrp | N | |
→132 | BidPx | N | If F/X quote, should be the all-inrate (spot rate adjusted for forward points). Note that either BidPx, OfferPx or both must be specified. |
→133 | OfferPx | N | If F/X quote, should be the all-inrate (spot rate adjusted for forward points). Note that either BidPx, OfferPx or both must be specified. |
→1749 | TotalBidSize | N | |
→1750 | TotalOfferSize | N | |
→134 | BidSize | N | |
→135 | OfferSize | N | |
→62 | ValidUntilTime | N | |
→188 | BidSpotRate | N | May be applicable for F/X quotes |
→190 | OfferSpotRate | N | May be applicable for F/X quotes |
→189 | BidForwardPoints | N | May be applicable for F/X quotes |
→191 | OfferForwardPoints | N | May be applicable for F/X quotes |
→631 | MidPx | N | |
→632 | BidYield | N | |
→633 | MidYield | N | |
→634 | OfferYield | N | |
→60 | TransactTime | N | |
→336 | TradingSessionID | N | |
→625 | TradingSessionSubID | N | |
→64 | SettlDate | N | Can be used with forex quotes to specify a specific value date |
→40 | OrdType | N | Can be used to specify the type of order the quote is for |
→15 | Currency | N | Can be used to specify the currency of the quoted price. |
→2897 | CurrencyCodeSource | N | |
→775 | BookingType | N | |
→528 | OrderCapacity | N | |
→529 | OrderRestrictions | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
735 | NoQuoteQualifiers | N | |
→695 | QuoteQualifier | N | Required if NoQuoteQualifiers > 1 |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
146 | NoRelatedSym | N | |
→Component | Instrument | Y | Insert here the set of Instrument(symbology) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages |
→Component | FinancingDetails | N | Insert here the set of FinancingDetails(symbology) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages |
→Component | UndInstrmtGrp | N | |
→140 | PrevClosePx | N | Useful for verifying security identification |
→303 | QuoteRequestType | N | Indicates the type of Quote Request (e.g. Manual vs. Automatic) being generated. |
→117 | QuoteID | N | Can be used when QuoteRequestType(303) = 3(Confirm Quote). |
→1751 | SecondaryQuoteID | N | Can be used when QuoteRequestType(303) = 3(Confirm Quote). |
→537 | QuoteType | N | Type of quote being requested from counterparty or market (e.g. Indicative, Firm, or Restricted Tradeable) Valid values used by FX in the request: 0 = Indicative, 1 = Tradeable; Absence implies a request for an indicative quote. |
→336 | TradingSessionID | N | |
→625 | TradingSessionSubID | N | |
→229 | TradeOriginationDate | N | |
→1913 | NumOfCompetitors | N | |
→54 | Side | N | If OrdType = Forex – Swap, should be the side of the future portion of a F/X swap. The absence of a side implies that a two-sided quote is being requested. For single instrument use. FX values, 1 = Buy, 2 = Sell; This is from the perspective of the Initiator. If absent then a two-sided quote is being requested for spot or forward. |
→854 | QtyType | N | Type of quantity specified in a quantity field. For FX, if used, should be 0. |
→Component | OrderQtyData | N | Conditionally required for single instrument quoting when applicable for the type of instrument. |
→110 | MinQty | N | |
→63 | SettlType | N | For NDFs either SettlType (specifying the tenor) or SettlDate must be specified. |
→64 | SettlDate | N | Can be used (e.g. with forex quotes) to specify the desired value date. For NDFs either SettlType (specifying the tenor) or SettlDate must be specified. |
→15 | Currency | N | Can be used to specify the desired currency of the quoted price. May differ from the ‘normal’ trading currency of the instrument being quote requested. |
→2897 | CurrencyCodeSource | N | |
→120 | SettlCurrency | N | Required for NDFs to specify the settlement currency (fixing currency). |
→2899 | SettlCurrencyCodeSource | N | |
→Component | RateSource | N | |
→Component | Stipulations | N | Insert here the set of Stipulations(repeating group of Fixed Income stipulations) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages |
→1 | Account | N | |
→660 | AcctIDSource | N | |
→581 | AccountType | N | |
→Component | QuotReqLegsGrp | N | |
→Component | QuotQualGrp | N | |
→828 | TrdType | N | May be used by SEFs (Swap Execution Facilities) to indicate a block swap transaction. |
→2347 | RegulatoryTransactionType | N | |
→Component | RegulatoryTradeIDGrp | N | |
→2115 | NegotiationMethod | N | |
→692 | QuotePriceType | N | Initiator can specify the price type the quote needs to be quoted at. If not specified, the Respondent has option to specify how quote is quoted. |
→Component | PriceQualifierGrp | N | |
→40 | OrdType | N | Can be used to specify the type of order the quote request is for |
→62 | ValidUntilTime | N | Used by the quote initiator to indicate the period of time the resulting Quote must be valid until |
→126 | ExpireTime | N | The time when the request for quote or negotiation dialog will expire. |
→1914 | ResponseTime | N | |
→1915 | QuoteDisplayTime | N | |
→1629 | ExposureDuration | N | The (minimum or suggested) period of time a quote price is tradable before it becomes indicative (i.e. off-the-wire). |
→1916 | ExposureDurationUnit | N | |
→60 | TransactTime | N | Time transaction was entered |
→Component | SpreadOrBenchmarkCurveData | N | Insert here the set of SpreadOrBenchmarkCurveData(Fixed Income spread or benchmark curve) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages |
→423 | PriceType | N | |
→44 | Price | N | Quoted or target price |
→631 | MidPx | N | For OTC swaps, may be used to provide the estimated mid-market-mark. |
→Component | YieldData | N | Insert here the set of YieldData(yield-related) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages |
→Component | Parties | N | |
→1937 | TradeContinuation | N | Maybe used to indicate quote/negotiation is for the specified post-execution trade continuation or lifecycle event. |
→2374 | TradeContinuationText | N | |
→2372 | EncodedTradeContinuationTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedTradeContinuationText(2371) field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
→2371 | EncodedTradeContinuationText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the TradeContinuationText(2374) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field. |
→443 | StrikeTime | N | Conditionally required when QuoteQual(695) = d (Deferred spot) is specified. |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
555 | NoLegs | N | |
→Component | InstrumentLeg | N | Required if NoLegs(555) > 0. |
→685 | LegOrderQty | N | |
→2346 | LegMidPx | N | For OTC swaps, may be used to provide the estimated mid-market mark. |
→690 | LegSwapType | N | |
→587 | LegSettlType | N | |
→588 | LegSettlDate | N | |
→Component | LegStipulations | N | |
→Component | NestedParties | N | |
→Component | LegBenchmarkCurveData | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
146 | NoRelatedSym | N | |
→Component | Instrument | Y | Insert here the set of Instrument(symbology) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages |
→Component | FinancingDetails | N | Insert here the set of FinancingDetails(symbology) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages |
→Component | UndInstrmtGrp | N | |
→140 | PrevClosePx | N | Useful for verifying security identification |
→303 | QuoteRequestType | N | Indicates the type of Quote Request (e.g. Manual vs. Automatic) being generated. |
→537 | QuoteType | N | Type of quote being requested from counterparty or market (e.g. Indicative, Firm, or Restricted Tradeable) |
→336 | TradingSessionID | N | |
→625 | TradingSessionSubID | N | |
→229 | TradeOriginationDate | N | |
→54 | Side | N | If OrdType = Forex – Swap, should be the side of the future portion of a F/X swap. The absence of a side implies that a two-sided quote is being requested. Required if specified in Quote Request message. |
→854 | QtyType | N | |
→Component | OrderQtyData | N | Insert here the set of OrderQytDatafields defined in Common Components of Application Messages Required if component is specified in Quote Request message. |
→63 | SettlType | N | |
→64 | SettlDate | N | Can be used (e.g. with forex quotes) to specify the desired value date |
→15 | Currency | N | Can be used to specify the desired currency of the quoted price. May differ from the ‘normal’ trading currency of the instrument being quote requested. |
→2897 | CurrencyCodeSource | N | |
→Component | Stipulations | N | Insert here the set of Stipulations(repeating group of Fixed Income stipulations) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages |
→1 | Account | N | |
→660 | AcctIDSource | N | |
→581 | AccountType | N | |
→Component | QuotReqLegsGrp | N | |
→Component | QuotQualGrp | N | |
→2115 | NegotiationMethod | N | |
→692 | QuotePriceType | N | Initiator can specify the price type the quote needs to be quoted at. If not specified, the Respondent has option to specify how quote is quoted. |
→Component | PriceQualifierGrp | N | |
→40 | OrdType | N | Can be used to specify the type of order the quote request is for |
→126 | ExpireTime | N | The time when Quote Request will expire. |
→60 | TransactTime | N | Time transaction was entered |
→Component | SpreadOrBenchmarkCurveData | N | Insert here the set of SpreadOrBenchmarkCurveData(Fixed Income spread or benchmark curve) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages |
→423 | PriceType | N | |
→44 | Price | N | Quoted or target price |
→Component | YieldData | N | Insert here the set of YieldData(yield-related) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages |
→Component | Parties | N | Insert here the set of Parties(firm identification) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages |
→443 | StrikeTime | N | Conditionally required when QuoteQual(695) = d (Deferred spot) is specified. |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
296 | NoQuoteSets | N | |
→302 | QuoteSetID | N | First field in repeating group. Required if NoQuoteSets > 0 |
→Component | UnderlyingInstrument | N | Insert here the set of UnderlyingInstrument(underlying symbology) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages Required if NoQuoteSets > 0 |
→367 | QuoteSetValidUntilTime | N | |
→304 | TotNoQuoteEntries | N | Total number of quotes for the quote set across all messages. Should be the sum of all NoQuoteEntries in each message that has repeating quotes that are part of the same quote set. Required if NoQuoteEntries > 0 |
→1168 | TotNoCxldQuotes | N | Total number of quotes canceled for the quote set across all messages. |
→1169 | TotNoAccQuotes | N | Total number of quotes accepted for the quote set across all messages. |
→1170 | TotNoRejQuotes | N | Total number of quotes rejected for the quote set across all messages. |
→893 | LastFragment | N | Indicates whether this is the last fragment in a sequence of message fragments. Only required where message has been fragmented. |
→Component | QuotEntryAckGrp | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
296 | NoQuoteSets | N | |
→302 | QuoteSetID | Y | Sequential number for the Quote Set. For a given QuoteID – assumed to start at 1. Must be the first field in the repeating group. |
→Component | UnderlyingInstrument | N | Insert here the set of UnderlyingInstrument(underlying symbology) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages |
→367 | QuoteSetValidUntilTime | N | |
→304 | TotNoQuoteEntries | Y | Total number of quotes for the quote set across all messages. Should be the sum of all NoQuoteEntries in each message that has repeating quotes that are part of the same quote set. |
→893 | LastFragment | N | Indicates whether this is the last fragment in a sequence of message fragments. Only required where message has been fragmented. |
→Component | QuotEntryGrp | Y |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
2706 | NoQuoteAttributes | N | |
→2707 | QuoteAttributeType | N | Required if NoQuoteAttributes(2706) > 0. |
→2708 | QuoteAttributeValue | N | Required if NoQuoteAttributes(2706) > 0. |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
146 | NoRelatedSym | N | |
→Component | Instrument | Y | Insert here the set of Instrument(symbology) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages |
→Component | UndInstrmtGrp | N | |
→Component | InstrmtLegGrp | N | |
→140 | PrevClosePx | N | Useful for verifying security identification |
→303 | QuoteRequestType | N | Indicates the type of Quote Request (e.g. Manual vs. Automatic) being generated. |
→537 | QuoteType | N | Type of quote being requested from counterparty or market (e.g. Indicative, Firm, or Restricted Tradeable) |
→336 | TradingSessionID | N | |
→625 | TradingSessionSubID | N |
Appendix – SecuritiesReferenceData Category
DerivativeSecurityList Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = AA (2 A’s) |
Component | ApplicationSequenceControl | N | |
964 | SecurityReportID | N | |
320 | SecurityReqID | N | |
322 | SecurityResponseID | N | Identifier for the Derivative Security List message |
560 | SecurityRequestResult | N | Result of the Security Request identified by SecurityReqID |
1607 | SecurityRejectReason | N | Used to specify a rejection reason when SecurityResponseType (323) is equal to 1 (Invalid or unsupported request) or 5 (Request for instrument data not supported). |
715 | ClearingBusinessDate | N | |
Component | UnderlyingInstrument | N | Underlying security for which derivatives are being returned |
Component | DerivativeSecurityDefinition | N | Group block which contains all information for an option family. If provided DerivativeSecurityDefinition qualifies the strikes specified in the Instrument block. |
779 | LastUpdateTime | N | Represents the time at which a security was last updated |
60 | TransactTime | N | |
393 | TotNoRelatedSym | N | Used to indicate the total number of securities being returned for this request. Used in the event that message fragmentation is required. |
893 | LastFragment | N | Indicates whether this is the last fragment in a sequence of message fragments. Only required where message has been fragmented. |
Component | RelSymDerivSecGrp | N | Specifies the number of repeating symbols (instruments) specified |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
SecurityListUpdateReport Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = BK |
Component | ApplicationSequenceControl | N | |
964 | SecurityReportID | N | Identifier for the Security List Update message in a bulk transfer environment (No Request/Response) |
1465 | SecurityListID | N | Identifies a specific Security List entity |
1466 | SecurityListRefID | N | Provides a reference to another Security List |
1467 | SecurityListDesc | N | |
1468 | EncodedSecurityListDescLen | N | |
1469 | EncodedSecurityListDesc | N | |
1470 | SecurityListType | N | Identifies a list type |
1471 | SecurityListTypeSource | N | Identifies the sourec as a listype |
320 | SecurityReqID | N | |
322 | SecurityResponseID | N | Identifier for the Security List message. |
560 | SecurityRequestResult | N | Result of the Security Request identified by the SecurityReqID. |
393 | TotNoRelatedSym | N | Used to indicate the total number of securities being returned for this request. Used in the event that message fragmentation is required. |
715 | ClearingBusinessDate | N | |
980 | SecurityUpdateAction | N | |
292 | CorporateAction | N | Identifies the type of Corporate Action that triggered the update |
1301 | MarketID | N | Identifies the market which lists and trades the instrument. |
1300 | MarketSegmentID | N | Identifies the segment of the market to which the specific trading rules and listing rules apply. The segment may indicate the venue, whether retail or wholesale, or even segregation by nationality. |
60 | TransactTime | N | |
893 | LastFragment | N | Indicates whether this is the last fragment in a sequence of message fragments. Only required where message has been fragmented. |
Component | SecLstUpdRelSymGrp | N | Specifies the number of repeating symbols (instruments) specified |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
SecurityDefinitionUpdateReport Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = BP |
Component | ApplicationSequenceControl | N | |
964 | SecurityReportID | N | Used to identify the SecurityDefinitionUpdateReport(35=BP) message in a bulk message transfer. Not used in request/response messaging. |
320 | SecurityReqID | N | Conditionally required when responding to the SecurityDefinitionRequest(35=c) message. |
322 | SecurityResponseID | N | Used to identify the SecurityDefinitionUpdateReport(35=BP) message. |
323 | SecurityResponseType | N | |
715 | ClearingBusinessDate | N | |
980 | SecurityUpdateAction | N | |
292 | CorporateAction | N | |
Component | Instrument | N | |
Component | InstrumentExtension | N | |
Component | FinancingDetails | N | |
Component | UndInstrmtGrp | N | |
Component | RelatedInstrumentGrp | N | |
15 | Currency | N | |
2897 | CurrencyCodeSource | N | |
2572 | PreviousAdjustedOpenInterest | N | |
2573 | PreviousUnadjustedOpenInterest | N | |
734 | PriorSettlPrice | N | |
58 | Text | N | |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedText(355) field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
355 | EncodedText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text(58) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field. |
Component | Stipulations | N | |
1606 | NumOfSimpleInstruments | N | |
2562 | NumOfComplexInstruments | N | |
Component | InstrmtLegGrp | N | |
Component | SpreadOrBenchmarkCurveData | N | |
Component | YieldData | N | |
Component | MarketSegmentGrp | N | Contains all the security details related to listing and trading the security |
779 | LastUpdateTime | N | Represents the time at which a security was last updated |
2400 | EffectiveBusinessDate | N | |
60 | TransactTime | N | |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
DerivativeSecurityListUpdateReport Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = BR |
Component | ApplicationSequenceControl | N | |
320 | SecurityReqID | N | |
322 | SecurityResponseID | N | Identifier for the Derivative Security List message |
560 | SecurityRequestResult | N | Result of the Security Request identified by SecurityReqID |
980 | SecurityUpdateAction | N | Updates can be applied to Underlying or option class. If Series information provided, then Series has explicitly changed |
Component | UnderlyingInstrument | N | Underlying security for which derivatives are being returned |
Component | DerivativeSecurityDefinition | N | Group block which contains all information for an option family. If provided DerivativeSecurityDefinition qualifies the strikes specified in the Instrument block. DerivativeSecurityDefinition contains the following components: DerivativeInstrument. DerivativeInstrumentExtension, MarketSegmentGrp |
779 | LastUpdateTime | N | Represents the time at which a security was last updated |
60 | TransactTime | N | |
393 | TotNoRelatedSym | N | Used to indicate the total number of securities being returned for this request. Used in the event that message fragmentation is required. |
893 | LastFragment | N | Indicates whether this is the last fragment in a sequence of message fragments. Only required where message has been fragmented. |
Component | RelSymDerivSecUpdGrp | N | |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
SecurityMassStatusRequest Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = CN |
324 | SecurityStatusReqID | Y | Must be unique, or the ID of previous Security Mass Status Request to disable if SubscriptionRequestType = Disable previous Snapshot + Updates Request (2). |
Component | InstrumentScope | N | |
263 | SubscriptionRequestType | Y | SubcriptionRequestType indicates to the other party what type of response is expected. A snapshot request only asks for current information. A subscribe request asks for updates as the status changes. Unsubscribe will cancel any future update messages from the counter party. |
1465 | SecurityListID | N | |
1301 | MarketID | N | |
1300 | MarketSegmentID | N | |
336 | TradingSessionID | N | |
625 | TradingSessionSubID | N | |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
SecurityMassStatus Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = CO |
Component | ApplicationSequenceControl | N | |
324 | SecurityStatusReqID | N | Required when mass status is in response to a SecurityMassStatusRequest(35=CN) message. |
1465 | SecurityListID | N | Identifies all securities for a security list identifier. |
1301 | MarketID | N | Identifies all securities for a market. |
1300 | MarketSegmentID | N | Identifies all securities for a market segment. |
75 | TradeDate | N | Business day that the state change applies to. |
336 | TradingSessionID | N | Identifies all securities for a trading session. |
625 | TradingSessionSubID | N | Identifies all securities for a trading sub-session. |
Component | InstrumentScope | N | |
325 | UnsolicitedIndicator | N | Set to Yif message is sent as a result of a subscription request not a snapshot request. |
1679 | SecurityMassTradingStatus | N | |
2447 | FastMarketIndicator | N | |
1680 | SecurityMassTradingEvent | N | |
1681 | MassHaltReason | N | |
1021 | MDBookType | N | Used to relay changes in the book type. |
264 | MarketDepth | N | Used to relay changes in Market Depth. |
60 | TransactTime | N | Time of state change for security list. |
334 | Adjustment | N | |
Component | SecMassStatGrp | N | |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
SecurityDefinitionRequest Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = c (lowercase) |
320 | SecurityReqID | Y | |
321 | SecurityRequestType | Y | |
1301 | MarketID | N | Identifies the market for which the security definition request is being made. |
1300 | MarketSegmentID | N | Identifies the segment of the market for which the security definition request is being made. |
Component | Instrument | N | |
Component | InstrumentExtension | N | |
Component | FinancingDetails | N | |
Component | UndInstrmtGrp | N | |
Component | RelatedInstrumentGrp | N | |
15 | Currency | N | |
2897 | CurrencyCodeSource | N | |
376 | ComplianceID | N | |
2404 | ComplianceText | N | |
2351 | EncodedComplianceTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedComplianceText(2352) field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
2352 | EncodedComplianceText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the ComplianceText(2404) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field. |
58 | Text | N | |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedText(355) field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
355 | EncodedText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text(58) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field. |
336 | TradingSessionID | N | Optional trading session identifier to specify a particular trading session for which you want to obtain a list of securities that are tradeable. |
625 | TradingSessionSubID | N | |
Component | Stipulations | N | |
Component | InstrmtLegGrp | N | |
Component | SpreadOrBenchmarkCurveData | N | |
Component | YieldData | N | |
827 | ExpirationCycle | N | |
263 | SubscriptionRequestType | N | Subscribe or unsubscribe for security status to security specified in request. |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
SecurityDefinition Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = d (lowercase) |
Component | ApplicationSequenceControl | N | |
964 | SecurityReportID | N | Used to identify the SecurityDefinition(35=d) message. |
715 | ClearingBusinessDate | N | |
320 | SecurityReqID | N | |
2422 | OrderRequestID | N | |
322 | SecurityResponseID | N | Used to identify the response to a SecurityDefinitionRequest(35=c) message. |
323 | SecurityResponseType | N | |
560 | SecurityRequestResult | N | Allow result of query request to be returned to requester |
1607 | SecurityRejectReason | N | Used to specify a rejection reason when SecurityResponseType(323)=5 (Reject security proposal). |
292 | CorporateAction | N | |
Component | Instrument | N | |
Component | InstrumentExtension | N | |
Component | FinancingDetails | N | |
Component | UndInstrmtGrp | N | |
Component | RelatedInstrumentGrp | N | |
Component | SecurityClassificationGrp | N | Used to specify forms of product classifications |
15 | Currency | N | Currency in which the price is denominated |
2897 | CurrencyCodeSource | N | |
2572 | PreviousAdjustedOpenInterest | N | |
2573 | PreviousUnadjustedOpenInterest | N | |
734 | PriorSettlPrice | N | |
58 | Text | N | |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedText(355) field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
355 | EncodedText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text(58) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field. |
Component | Stipulations | N | |
1606 | NumOfSimpleInstruments | N | |
2562 | NumOfComplexInstruments | N | |
Component | InstrmtLegGrp | N | |
Component | SpreadOrBenchmarkCurveData | N | |
Component | YieldData | N | |
Component | MarketSegmentGrp | N | Contains all the security details related to listing and trading the security |
779 | LastUpdateTime | N | Represents the time at which a security was last updated |
2400 | EffectiveBusinessDate | N | |
60 | TransactTime | N | |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
SecurityStatusRequest Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = e (lowercase) |
324 | SecurityStatusReqID | Y | Must be unique, or the ID of previous Security Status Request to disable if SubscriptionRequestType = Disable previous Snapshot + Updates Request (2). |
Component | Instrument | Y | Insert here the set of Instrument(symbology) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages |
Component | InstrumentExtension | N | Insert here the set of InstrumentExtensionfields defined in Common Components of Application Messages |
Component | FinancingDetails | N | |
Component | UndInstrmtGrp | N | Number of underlyings |
Component | InstrmtLegGrp | N | Number of legs that make up the Security |
Component | RelatedInstrumentGrp | N | |
15 | Currency | N | |
2897 | CurrencyCodeSource | N | |
263 | SubscriptionRequestType | Y | SubscriptionRequestType indicates to the other party what type of response is expected. A snapshot request only asks for current information. A subscribe request asks for updates as the status changes. Unsubscribe will cancel any future update messages from the counter party. |
1301 | MarketID | N | |
1300 | MarketSegmentID | N | |
336 | TradingSessionID | N | |
625 | TradingSessionSubID | N | |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
SecurityStatus Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = f (lowercase) |
Component | ApplicationSequenceControl | N | |
324 | SecurityStatusReqID | N | |
Component | Instrument | Y | |
Component | InstrumentExtension | N | |
Component | FinancingDetails | N | |
Component | UndInstrmtGrp | N | |
Component | InstrmtLegGrp | N | |
Component | RelatedInstrumentGrp | N | |
15 | Currency | N | |
2897 | CurrencyCodeSource | N | |
1301 | MarketID | N | |
1300 | MarketSegmentID | N | |
75 | TradeDate | N | Business day that the state change applies to. |
336 | TradingSessionID | N | |
625 | TradingSessionSubID | N | |
325 | UnsolicitedIndicator | N | Set to ‘Y’ if message is sent as a result of a subscription request not a snapshot request |
326 | SecurityTradingStatus | N | |
1655 | MarketMakerActivity | N | |
2447 | FastMarketIndicator | N | |
1174 | SecurityTradingEvent | N | |
2116 | NextAuctionTime | N | |
291 | FinancialStatus | N | |
292 | CorporateAction | N | |
327 | HaltReason | N | |
328 | InViewOfCommon | N | |
329 | DueToRelated | N | |
1021 | MDBookType | N | Used to relay changes in the book type |
264 | MarketDepth | N | Used to relay changes in market depth. |
330 | BuyVolume | N | |
331 | SellVolume | N | |
332 | HighPx | N | |
333 | LowPx | N | |
31 | LastPx | N | Represents the last price for that security either on a consolidated or an individual participant basis at the time it is disseminated. |
Component | ClearingPriceParametersGrp | N | |
730 | SettlPrice | N | |
731 | SettlPriceType | N | |
2451 | SettlPriceDeterminationMethod | N | |
60 | TransactTime | N | Time of status information. |
334 | Adjustment | N | |
1025 | FirstPx | N | Represents the price of the first fill of the trading session. |
2448 | LinkageHandlingIndicator | N | |
58 | Text | N | |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedText(355) field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
355 | EncodedText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text(58) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field. |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
SecurityTypeRequest Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = v (lowercase V) |
320 | SecurityReqID | Y | |
58 | Text | N | Comment, instructions, or other identifying information. |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedText field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
355 | EncodedText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field. |
1301 | MarketID | N | Optional MarketID to specify a particular trading session for which you want to obtain a list of securities that are tradeable. |
1300 | MarketSegmentID | N | Optional Market Segment Identifier to specify a particular trading session for which you want to obtain a list of securities that are tradeable. |
336 | TradingSessionID | N | Optional Trading Session Identifier to specify a particular trading session for which you want to obtain a list of securities that are tradeable. |
625 | TradingSessionSubID | N | |
460 | Product | N | Used to qualify which security types are returned |
167 | SecurityType | N | Used to qualify which security type is returned |
762 | SecuritySubType | N | Used to qualify which security types are returned |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
SecurityTypes Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = w (lowercase W) |
Component | ApplicationSequenceControl | N | |
320 | SecurityReqID | Y | |
322 | SecurityResponseID | Y | Identifier for the security response message |
323 | SecurityResponseType | Y | The result of the security request identified by SecurityReqID |
557 | TotNoSecurityTypes | N | Indicates total number of security types in the event that multiple Security Type messages are used to return results |
893 | LastFragment | N | Indicates whether this is the last fragment in a sequence of message fragments. Only required where message has been fragmented. |
Component | SecTypesGrp | N | |
58 | Text | N | Comment, instructions, or other identifying information. |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedText field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
355 | EncodedText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field. |
1301 | MarketID | N | Optional MarketID to specify a particular trading session for which you want to obtain a list of securities that are tradeable. |
1300 | MarketSegmentID | N | Optional Market Segment Identifier to specify a particular trading session for which you want to obtain a list of securities that are tradeable. |
336 | TradingSessionID | N | Optional Trading Session Identifier to specify a particular trading session for which you want to obtain a list of securities that are tradeable. |
625 | TradingSessionSubID | N | |
263 | SubscriptionRequestType | N | Subscribe or unsubscribe for security status to security specified in request. |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
SecurityListRequest Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = x (lowercase X) |
320 | SecurityReqID | Y | |
559 | SecurityListRequestType | Y | Type of Security List Request being made |
1465 | SecurityListID | N | Identifies a specific list |
1470 | SecurityListType | N | Indentifies a list type |
1471 | SecurityListTypeSource | N | Identifies the source a list type |
1301 | MarketID | N | Identifies the market which lists and trades the instrument. |
1300 | MarketSegmentID | N | Identifies the segment of the market to which the specify trading rules and listing rules apply. The segment may indicate the venue, whether retail or wholesale, or even segregation by nationality. |
Component | Instrument | N | Insert here the set of Instrument(symbology) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages of the requested Security |
Component | InstrumentExtension | N | Insert here the set of InstrumentExtensionfields defined in Common Components of Application Messages |
Component | FinancingDetails | N | Insert here the set of FinancingDetailsfields defined in Common Components of Application Messages |
Component | UndInstrmtGrp | N | Number of underlyings |
Component | InstrmtLegGrp | N | Number of legs that make up the Security |
Component | RelatedInstrumentGrp | N | |
15 | Currency | N | |
2897 | CurrencyCodeSource | N | |
58 | Text | N | Comment, instructions, or other identifying information. |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedText field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
355 | EncodedText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field. |
336 | TradingSessionID | N | Optional Trading Session Identifier to specify a particular trading session for which you want to obtain a list of securities that are tradeable. |
625 | TradingSessionSubID | N | |
263 | SubscriptionRequestType | N | Subscribe or unsubscribe for security status to security specified in request. |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
SecurityList Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = y (lowercase Y) |
Component | ApplicationSequenceControl | N | |
964 | SecurityReportID | N | |
715 | ClearingBusinessDate | N | |
1465 | SecurityListID | N | Identifies a specific Security List Entry |
1466 | SecurityListRefID | N | Provides a reference to another Security List |
1467 | SecurityListDesc | N | |
1468 | EncodedSecurityListDescLen | N | |
1469 | EncodedSecurityListDesc | N | |
1470 | SecurityListType | N | Identifies a list type |
1471 | SecurityListTypeSource | N | Identifies the source of a list type |
320 | SecurityReqID | N | |
322 | SecurityResponseID | N | Identifier for the Security List message |
560 | SecurityRequestResult | N | Result of the Security Request identified by the SecurityReqID |
1607 | SecurityRejectReason | N | Used to specify a rejection reason when SecurityResponseType (323) is equal to 1 (Invalid or unsupported request) or 5 (Request for instrument data not supported). |
60 | TransactTime | N | |
393 | TotNoRelatedSym | N | Used to indicate the total number of securities being returned for this request. Used in the event that message fragmentation is required. |
1301 | MarketID | N | Identifies the market which lists and trades the instrument. |
1300 | MarketSegmentID | N | Identifies the segment of the market to which the specify trading rules and listing rules apply. The segment may indicate the venue, whether retail or wholesale, or even segregation by nationality. |
893 | LastFragment | N | Indicates whether this is the last fragment in a sequence of message fragments. Only required where message has been fragmented. |
Component | SecListGrp | N | Specifies the number of repeating symbols (instruments) specified |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
DerivativeSecurityListRequest Message
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | StandardHeader | Y | MsgType = z (lowercase Z) |
320 | SecurityReqID | Y | |
559 | SecurityListRequestType | Y | |
1301 | MarketID | N | |
1300 | MarketSegmentID | N | |
Component | UnderlyingInstrument | N | Specifies the underlying instrument |
Component | DerivativeInstrument | N | Group block which contains all information for an option family. |
762 | SecuritySubType | N | |
15 | Currency | N | |
2897 | CurrencyCodeSource | N | |
58 | Text | N | Comment, instructions, or other identifying information. |
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedText field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
355 | EncodedText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field. |
336 | TradingSessionID | N | Optional Trading Session Identifier to specify a particular trading session for which you want to obtain a list of securities that are tradeable. |
625 | TradingSessionSubID | N | |
263 | SubscriptionRequestType | N | Subscribe or unsubscribe for security status to security specified in request. |
Component | StandardTrailer | Y |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1918 | NoClearingAccountTypes | N | |
→1816 | ClearingAccountType | N | Required if NoClearingAccountTypes(1918) > 0. |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
2580 | NoClearingPriceParameters | N | |
→2581 | BusinessDayType | N | Required if NoClearingPriceParameters (2580) > 0. Use to identify the relative business day to which the parameters apply. |
→2582 | ClearingPriceOffset | N | |
→2583 | VegaMultiplier | N | |
→2584 | AnnualTradingBusinessDays | N | |
→2585 | TotalTradingBusinessDays | N | |
→2586 | TradingBusinessDays | N | |
→2588 | StandardVariance | N | |
→2587 | RealizedVariance | N | |
→2589 | RelatedClosePrice | N | |
→1190 | RiskFreeRate | N | Interest rate until the instrument expires and used to calculate DiscountFactor(1592). |
→2590 | OvernightInterestRate | N | Used to calculate AccumulatedReturnModifiedVariationMargin(2591). |
→2591 | AccumulatedReturnModifiedVariationMargin | N | |
→1592 | DiscountFactor | N | |
→1188 | Volatility | N | |
→2528 | ClearingSettlPrice | N | |
→2592 | CalculationMethod | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1286 | NoDerivativeEvents | N | |
→1287 | DerivativeEventType | N | |
→1288 | DerivativeEventDate | N | |
→1289 | DerivativeEventTime | N | |
→1290 | DerivativeEventPx | N | |
→1291 | DerivativeEventText | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1214 | DerivativeSymbol | N | Common, human understoodrepresentation of the security. SecurityID value can be specified if no symbol exists (e.g. non-exchange traded Collective Investment Vehicles) Use [N/A]for products which do not have a symbol. Required if DerivativeInstrument component is marked as required where the component is used. |
1215 | DerivativeSymbolSfx | N | |
1216 | DerivativeSecurityID | N | Takes precedence in identifying security to counterparty over SecurityAltID block |
1217 | DerivativeSecurityIDSource | N | |
Component | DerivativeSecurityAltIDGrp | N | |
1246 | DerivativeProduct | N | |
1228 | DerivativeProductComplex | N | Identifies an entire suite of products for a given market. In Futures this may be interest rates, agricultural, equity indexes, etc |
1243 | DerivFlexProductEligibilityIndicator | N | Used to indicate if a product or group of product supports the creation of flexible securities |
1247 | DerivativeSecurityGroup | N | |
1248 | DerivativeCFICode | N | It is recommended that CFICode be used instead of SecurityType for non-Fixed Income instruments. |
2892 | DerivativeUPICode | N | |
1249 | DerivativeSecurityType | N | It is recommended that CFICode be used instead of SecurityType for non-Fixed Income instruments. Required for Fixed Income. Refer to Volume 7 – Fixed Income Futures and Options should be specified using the CFICode[461] field instead of SecurityType[167] (Refer to Volume 7 – Recommendations and Guidelines for Futures and Options Markets.) |
1250 | DerivativeSecuritySubType | N | |
1251 | DerivativeMaturityMonthYear | N | Applicable for standardized derivatives which are typically only referenced by month and year (e.g. S and P futures). Note MaturityDate (a full date) can also be specified. |
1252 | DerivativeMaturityDate | N | Note that standardized derivatives which are typically only referenced by month and year (e.g. S and P futures).may use MaturityMonthYear and or this field. When using MaturityMonthYear, it is recommended that markets and sell sides report the MaturityDate on all outbound messages as a means of data enrichment. |
1253 | DerivativeMaturityTime | N | |
1254 | DerivativeSettleOnOpenFlag | N | |
1255 | DerivativeInstrmtAssignmentMethod | N | |
1256 | DerivativeSecurityStatus | N | |
1276 | DerivativeIssueDate | N | Date instrument was issued. For Fixed Income IOIs for new issues, specifies the issue date. |
1257 | DerivativeInstrRegistry | N | Can be used in conjunction with ISIN to address ISIN uniqueness issues. |
1258 | DerivativeCountryOfIssue | N | Can be used in conjunction with non-ISIN SecurityID (e.g. CUSIP for Municipal Bonds without ISIN) to provide uniqueness. |
1259 | DerivativeStateOrProvinceOfIssue | N | |
1260 | DerivativeLocaleOfIssue | N | |
1261 | DerivativeStrikePrice | N | |
1262 | DerivativeStrikeCurrency | N | |
2912 | DerivativeStrikeCurrencyCodeSource | N | |
1263 | DerivativeStrikeMultiplier | N | |
1264 | DerivativeStrikeValue | N | |
1265 | DerivativeOptAttribute | N | |
1266 | DerivativeContractMultiplier | N | |
1438 | DerivativeContractMultiplierUnit | N | |
1442 | DerivativeFlowScheduleType | N | |
1267 | DerivativeMinPriceIncrement | N | |
1268 | DerivativeMinPriceIncrementAmount | N | |
1269 | DerivativeUnitOfMeasure | N | |
1270 | DerivativeUnitOfMeasureQty | N | |
1722 | DerivativeUnitOfMeasureCurrency | N | |
2913 | DerivativeUnitOfMeasureCurrencyCodeSource | N | |
1315 | DerivativePriceUnitOfMeasure | N | |
1316 | DerivativePriceUnitOfMeasureQty | N | |
1723 | DerivativePriceUnitOfMeasureCurrency | N | |
2914 | DerivativePriceUnitOfMeasureCurrencyCodeSource | N | |
1317 | DerivativeSettlMethod | N | |
1318 | DerivativePriceQuoteMethod | N | |
1319 | DerivativeValuationMethod | N | |
1576 | DerivativePriceQuoteCurrency | N | |
2915 | DerivativePriceQuoteCurrencyCodeSource | N | |
1320 | DerivativeListMethod | N | |
1321 | DerivativeCapPrice | N | |
1322 | DerivativeFloorPrice | N | |
1323 | DerivativePutOrCall | N | |
2684 | DerivativeInTheMoneyCondition | N | Used to express in-the-moneyness behavior in general terms for the option without the use of DerivativeStrikePrice(1261) and DerivativePutOrCall(1323). |
2688 | DerivativeContraryInstructionEligibilityIndicator | N | |
1299 | DerivativeExerciseStyle | N | |
1225 | DerivativeOptPayoutAmount | N | |
1271 | DerivativeTimeUnit | N | |
1272 | DerivativeSecurityExchange | N | Can be used to identify the security. |
1273 | DerivativePositionLimit | N | |
1274 | DerivativeNTPositionLimit | N | |
1275 | DerivativeIssuer | N | |
1277 | DerivativeEncodedIssuerLen | N | Must be set if DerivativeEncodedIssuer(1278) field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
1278 | DerivativeEncodedIssuer | N | |
1279 | DerivativeSecurityDesc | N | |
1280 | DerivativeEncodedSecurityDescLen | N | Must be set if DerivativeEncodedSecurityDesc(1280) field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
1281 | DerivativeEncodedSecurityDesc | N | |
Component | DerivativeSecurityXML | N | Embedded XML document describing security. |
1285 | DerivativeContractSettlMonth | N | Must be present for MBS or TBA |
Component | DerivativeEventsGrp | N | |
Component | DerivativeInstrumentParties | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1311 | NoDerivativeInstrAttrib | N | |
→1313 | DerivativeInstrAttribType | N | |
→1314 | DerivativeInstrAttribValue | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1292 | NoDerivativeInstrumentParties | N | |
→1293 | DerivativeInstrumentPartyID | N | Used to identify party id related to instrument series |
→1294 | DerivativeInstrumentPartyIDSource | N | Used to identify source of instrument series party id |
→1295 | DerivativeInstrumentPartyRole | N | Used to identify the role of instrument series party id |
→2377 | DerivativeInstrumentPartyRoleQualifier | N | |
→Component | DerivativeInstrumentPartySubIDsGrp | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1296 | NoDerivativeInstrumentPartySubIDs | N | |
→1297 | DerivativeInstrumentPartySubID | N | |
→1298 | DerivativeInstrumentPartySubIDType | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1218 | NoDerivativeSecurityAltID | N | |
→1219 | DerivativeSecurityAltID | N | |
→1220 | DerivativeSecurityAltIDSource | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | DerivativeInstrument | N | Optional block which can be used to to summarize common attributes shared across a set of option instruments which belong to the same series. |
Component | DerivativeInstrumentAttribute | N | Additional attribution for the instrument series |
Component | MarketSegmentGrp | N | Security trading and listing attributes for the series level |
Component | SecurityClassificationGrp | N | Used to specify forms of product classifications |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1282 | DerivativeSecurityXMLLen | N | Must be set if DerivativeSecurityXML(1283) field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
1283 | DerivativeSecurityXML | N | |
1284 | DerivativeSecurityXMLSchema | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
555 | NoLegs | N | |
→Component | InstrumentLeg | N | Insert here the set of Instrument Legs(leg symbology) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages Required if NoLegs > 0 |
→690 | LegSwapType | N | |
→587 | LegSettlType | N | |
→Component | LegStipulations | N | Insert here the set of LegStipulations(leg symbology) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages Required if NoLegs > 0 |
→Component | LegBenchmarkCurveData | N | Insert here the set of LegBenchmarkCurveData(leg symbology) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages Required if NoLegs > 0 |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1310 | NoMarketSegments | N | |
→1301 | MarketID | N | Identifies the market which lists and trades the instrument. |
→1300 | MarketSegmentID | N | Identifies the segment of the market to which the specify trading rules and listing rules apply. |
→Component | SecurityTradingRules | N | |
→Component | StrikeRules | N | This block specifies the rules for determining how new strikes should be listed within the stated price range of the underlying instrument. |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1236 | NoMaturityRules | N | |
→1222 | MaturityRuleID | N | Allows maturity rule to be referenced via an identifier so that rules do not need to be explicitly enumerated |
→1303 | MaturityMonthYearFormat | N | Format used to generate the MMY for each option contract: |
→1302 | MaturityMonthYearIncrementUnits | N | enumeration specifying the increment unit: |
→1241 | StartMaturityMonthYear | N | Starting maturity for the range to which the StrikeIncrement applies. Price refers to the price of the underlying |
→1226 | EndMaturityMonthYear | N | Ending maturity month year to which the StrikeIncrement applies. Price refers to the price of the underlying. |
→1229 | MaturityMonthYearIncrement | N | Value by which maturity month year should be incremented within the specified price range. |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1312 | NoNestedInstrAttrib | N | |
→1210 | NestedInstrAttribType | N | Code to represent the type of instrument attribute |
→1211 | NestedInstrAttribValue | N | Attribute value appropriate to the NestedInstrAttribType field |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1919 | NoPriceMovements | N | |
→Component | PriceMovementValueGrp | N | Required if NoPriceMovements(1919) > 0. |
→Component | ClearingAccountTypeGrp | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1920 | NoPriceMovementValues | N | |
→1921 | PriceMovementValue | N | Required if NoPriceMovementValues(1919) > 0. |
→1922 | PriceMovementPoint | N | |
→1923 | PriceMovementType | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
146 | NoRelatedSym | N | |
→Component | Instrument | N | |
→Component | SecondaryPriceLimits | N | Secondary price limit rules |
→15 | Currency | N | |
→2897 | CurrencyCodeSource | N | |
→292 | CorporateAction | N | Identifies the type of Corporate Action |
→Component | InstrumentExtension | N | |
→Component | InstrmtLegGrp | N | |
→1504 | RelSymTransactTime | N | |
→1606 | NumOfSimpleInstruments | N | Number of simple instruments. |
→58 | Text | N | Comment, instructions, or other identifying information. |
→354 | EncodedTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedText field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
→355 | EncodedText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field. |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
146 | NoRelatedSym | N | |
→1324 | ListUpdateAction | N | If provided, then Instrument occurrence has explicitly changed |
→292 | CorporateAction | N | |
→Component | Instrument | N | |
→Component | InstrumentExtension | N | |
→Component | SecondaryPriceLimits | N | Secondary price limit rules |
→15 | Currency | N | |
→2897 | CurrencyCodeSource | N | |
→Component | InstrmtLegGrp | N | |
→1504 | RelSymTransactTime | N | |
→58 | Text | N | Comment, instructions, or other identifying information. |
→354 | EncodedTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedText field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
→355 | EncodedText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field. |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
146 | NoRelatedSym | N | |
→Component | Instrument | N | Insert here the set of Instrument(symbology) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages of the requested Security |
→Component | InstrumentExtension | N | Insert here the set of InstrumentExtensionfields defined in Common Components of Application Messages |
→Component | SecurityClassificationGrp | N | Used to specify forms of product classifications |
→Component | FinancingDetails | N | Insert here the set of FinancingDetailsfields defined in Common Components of Application Messages |
→Component | SecurityTradingRules | N | Used to provide listing rules |
→Component | StrikeRules | N | Used to provide listing rules |
→Component | UndInstrmtGrp | N | |
→15 | Currency | N | |
→2897 | CurrencyCodeSource | N | |
→Component | Stipulations | N | Insert here the set of Stipulationsfields defined in Common Components of Application Messages |
→Component | InstrmtLegSecListGrp | N | |
→Component | RelatedInstrumentGrp | N | |
→Component | SpreadOrBenchmarkCurveData | N | Insert here the set of SpreadOrBenchmarkCurveDatafields defined in Common Components of Application Messages |
→Component | YieldData | N | Insert here the set of YieldDatafields defined in Common Components of Application Messages |
→Component | PriceMovementGrp | N | |
→1504 | RelSymTransactTime | N | |
→1606 | NumOfSimpleInstruments | N | Number of simple instruments. |
→58 | Text | N | Comment, instructions, or other identifying information. |
→354 | EncodedTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedText field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
→355 | EncodedText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field. |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
146 | NoRelatedSym | N | |
→1324 | ListUpdateAction | N | |
→Component | Instrument | N | Insert here the set of Instrument(symbology) fields defined in common components of application messagesof the requested Security |
→Component | InstrumentExtension | N | Insert here the set of InstrumentExtensionfields defined in COMMON COMPONENTS OF APPLICATION MESSAGES |
→Component | FinancingDetails | N | Insert here the set of FinancingDetailsfields defined in COMMON COMPONENTS OF APPLICATION MESSAGES |
→Component | SecurityTradingRules | N | |
→Component | StrikeRules | N | |
→Component | UndInstrmtGrp | N | |
→15 | Currency | N | |
→2897 | CurrencyCodeSource | N | |
→Component | Stipulations | N | |
→Component | SecLstUpdRelSymsLegGrp | N | |
→Component | RelatedInstrumentGrp | N | |
→Component | SpreadOrBenchmarkCurveData | N | Insert here the set of SpreadOrBenchmarkCurveDatafields defined in COMMON COMPONENTS OF APPLICATION MESSAGES |
→Component | YieldData | N | Insert here the set of YieldDatafields defined in COMMON COMPONENTS OF APPLICATION MESSAGES |
→1504 | RelSymTransactTime | N | |
→58 | Text | N | Comment, instructions, or other identifying information. |
→354 | EncodedTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedText field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
→355 | EncodedText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field. |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
555 | NoLegs | N | |
→Component | InstrumentLeg | N | Insert here the set of Instrument Legs(leg symbology) fields defined in common components of application messagesRequired if NoLegs > 0 |
→690 | LegSwapType | N | |
→587 | LegSettlType | N | |
→Component | LegStipulations | N | Insert here the set of LegStipulations(leg symbology) fields defined in common components of application messagesRequired if NoLegs > 0 |
→Component | LegBenchmarkCurveData | N | Insert here the set of LegBenchmarkCurveData(leg symbology) fields defined in common components of application messagesRequired if NoLegs > 0 |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
146 | NoRelatedSym | N | |
→Component | Instrument | N | Insert here the set of Instrument(symbology) fields defined in Common Components of Application Messages. Conditionally required if NoRelatedSym > 0. |
→Component | InstrumentExtension | N | Insert here the set of InstrumentExtensionfields defined in Common Components of Application Messages. |
→Component | FinancingDetails | N | |
→Component | UndInstrmtGrp | N | |
→Component | InstrmtLegGrp | N | |
→Component | RelatedInstrumentGrp | N | |
→326 | SecurityTradingStatus | N | Conditionally required if NoRelatedSym > 0. |
→1174 | SecurityTradingEvent | N | |
→327 | HaltReason | N | |
→291 | FinancialStatus | N | |
→292 | CorporateAction | N | |
→58 | Text | N | Comment, instructions, or other identifying information. |
→354 | EncodedTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedText field is specified and must immediately precede it. |
→355 | EncodedText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field. |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
558 | NoSecurityTypes | N | |
→167 | SecurityType | N | Required if NoSecurityTypes > 0 |
→762 | SecuritySubType | N | |
→460 | Product | N | |
→461 | CFICode | N | |
→2891 | UPICode | N | |
→60 | TransactTime | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1305 | SecondaryPriceLimitType | N | |
1221 | SecondaryLowLimitPrice | N | |
1230 | SecondaryHighLimitPrice | N | |
1240 | SecondaryTradingReferencePrice | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1582 | NoSecurityClassifications | N | |
→1583 | SecurityClassificationReason | N | Conditionally required if NoSecurityClassifications > 0. |
→1584 | SecurityClassificationValue | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | BaseTradingRules | N | This block contains the base trading rules |
Component | TradingSessionRulesGrp | N | This block contains the trading rules specific to a trading session |
Component | NestedInstrumentAttribute | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1201 | NoStrikeRules | N | |
→1223 | StrikeRuleID | N | Allows strike rule to be referenced via an identifier so that rules do not need to be explicitly enumerated |
→1202 | StartStrikePxRange | N | Starting price for the range to which the StrikeIncrement applies. Price refers to the price of the underlying |
→1203 | EndStrikePxRange | N | Ending price of the range to which the StrikeIncrement applies. Price refers to the price of the underlying |
→1204 | StrikeIncrement | N | Value by which strike price should be incremented within the specified price |
→1304 | StrikeExerciseStyle | N | Enumeration that represents the exercise style for a class of options Same values as ExerciseStyle |
→Component | MaturityRules | N | Describes the maturity rules for a given set of strikes as defined by StrikeRules |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1309 | NoTradingSessionRules | N | |
→336 | TradingSessionID | N | Identifier for the trading session Must be provided if NoTradingSessions > 0 Set to [N/A] if values are not specific to trading session |
→625 | TradingSessionSubID | N | Identifier for the trading session Set to [N/A] if values are not specific to trading session sub id |
→Component | TradingSessionRules | N | Contains trading rules specified at the trading session level |
Appendix – Common Category
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
2548 | NoAuctionTypeRules | N | |
→1803 | AuctionType | N | Required if NoAuctionTypeRules(2548) > 0. AuctionType(1803) = 0 (None) can be used to invalidate all auction types on the instrument level that are defined on a market segment level. |
→2549 | AuctionTypeProductComplex | N | Can be used to limit auction order type to specific product suite. Use multiple entries with the same AuctionType(1803) if multiple but not all product suites are supported. |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | TickRules | N | Specifies price tick rules for the security. |
Component | LotTypeRules | N | Specifies the lot types that are valid for trading. |
Component | PriceLimits | N | Specifies the price limits that are valid for trading. |
Component | PriceRangeRuleGrp | N | Specifies the valid price range tables for trading. |
Component | QuoteSizeRuleGrp | N | Specifies the valid quote sizes for trading. |
827 | ExpirationCycle | N | |
1786 | TradeVolType | N | |
562 | MinTradeVol | N | |
1140 | MaxTradeVol | N | For listed derivatives this indicates the minimum quantity necessary for an order or trade to qualify as a block trade. |
1143 | MaxPriceVariation | N | |
1144 | ImpliedMarketIndicator | N | |
1245 | TradingCurrency | N | |
2934 | TradingCurrencyCodeSource | N | |
561 | RoundLot | N | |
1377 | MultilegModel | N | Used for multileg security only. |
1378 | MultilegPriceMethod | N | Used for multileg security only. |
423 | PriceType | N | Defines the default price type used for trading. |
2557 | FastMarketPercentage | N | Can be used as a factor to be applied to other base trading rules during a fast market, e.g. to widen price or size ranges by the specified percentage factor. |
2559 | QuoteSideIndicator | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1232 | NoExecInstRules | N | |
→1308 | ExecInstValue | N | Indicates execution instructions that are valid for the specified market segment |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1536 | InstrumentScopeSymbol | N | |
1537 | InstrumentScopeSymbolSfx | N | |
1538 | InstrumentScopeSecurityID | N | |
1539 | InstrumentScopeSecurityIDSource | N | |
Component | InstrumentScopeSecurityAltIDGrp | N | |
1543 | InstrumentScopeProduct | N | |
1544 | InstrumentScopeProductComplex | N | |
1545 | InstrumentScopeSecurityGroup | N | |
1546 | InstrumentScopeCFICode | N | |
2895 | InstrumentScopeUPICode | N | |
1547 | InstrumentScopeSecurityType | N | |
1548 | InstrumentScopeSecuritySubType | N | |
1549 | InstrumentScopeMaturityMonthYear | N | |
1550 | InstrumentScopeMaturityTime | N | |
1551 | InstrumentScopeRestructuringType | N | |
1552 | InstrumentScopeSeniority | N | |
1553 | InstrumentScopePutOrCall | N | |
1554 | InstrumentScopeFlexibleIndicator | N | |
1555 | InstrumentScopeCouponRate | N | |
1616 | InstrumentScopeSecurityExchange | N | |
1556 | InstrumentScopeSecurityDesc | N | |
1620 | InstrumentScopeEncodedSecurityDescLen | N | |
1621 | InstrumentScopeEncodedSecurityDesc | N | |
1557 | InstrumentScopeSettlType | N | Can be used to specify FX tenors. |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1656 | NoInstrumentScopes | N | |
→1535 | InstrumentScopeOperator | N | Required when NoInstrumentScopes > 0. |
→Component | InstrumentScope | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1540 | NoInstrumentScopeSecurityAltID | N | |
→1541 | InstrumentScopeSecurityAltID | N | Required when NoInstrumentScopeSecurityAltID > 0. |
→1542 | InstrumentScopeSecurityAltIDSource | N | Required when NoInstrumentScopeSecurityAltID > 0. |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
676 | LegBenchmarkCurveCurrency | N | |
2951 | LegBenchmarkCurveCurrencyCodeSource | N | |
677 | LegBenchmarkCurveName | N | |
678 | LegBenchmarkCurvePoint | N | |
679 | LegBenchmarkPrice | N | |
680 | LegBenchmarkPriceType | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1234 | NoLotTypeRules | N | |
→1093 | LotType | N | Defines the lot type assigned to the order. Use as an alternate to RoundLot(561). To be used with MinLotSize(1231). LotType + MinLotSize (max is next level minus 1). Required if NoLotTypeRules(1234) > 0. |
→1231 | MinLotSize | N | Minimum lot size allowed based on lot type specified in LotType(1093) |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1141 | NoMDFeedTypes | N | |
→1022 | MDFeedType | N | Required if NoMDFeedTypes(1141) > 0. |
→1683 | MDSubFeedType | N | |
→264 | MarketDepth | N | Specifies the depth of book (or levels of market depth) for the feed type. |
→2563 | MarketDepthTimeInterval | N | Conditionally required when MarketDepthTimeIntervalUnit(2564) is specified. |
→2564 | MarketDepthTimeIntervalUnit | N | Conditionally required when MarketDataTimeInterval(2563) is specified. |
→2565 | MDRecoveryTimeInterval | N | Conditionally required when MDRecoveryTimeIntervalUnit(2566) is specified. |
→2566 | MDRecoveryTimeIntervalUnit | N | Conditionally required when MDRecoveryTimeInterval(2565) is specified. |
→1021 | MDBookType | N | |
→1173 | MDSubBookType | N | |
→2567 | PrimaryServiceLocationID | N | |
→2568 | SecondaryServiceLocationID | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1310 | NoMarketSegments | N | |
→1301 | MarketID | N | Required if NoMarketSegments(1310) > 0. |
→1300 | MarketSegmentID | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1235 | NoMatchRules | N | |
→1142 | MatchAlgorithm | N | Required if NoMatchRules(1235) > 0. |
→574 | MatchType | N | |
→2569 | MatchRuleProductComplex | N | Can be used to limit match rule to specific product suite. |
→2570 | CustomerPriority | N | Can be used to give customer orders priority for the given matching algorithm. |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1237 | NoOrdTypeRules | N | |
→40 | OrdType | N | Indicates order types that are valid for the specified market segment. |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1306 | PriceLimitType | N | Describes the how the price limits are expressed |
1148 | LowLimitPrice | N | Allowable low limit price for the trading day. A key parameter in validating order price. Used as the lower band for validating order prices. Orders submitted with prices below the lower limit will be rejected |
1149 | HighLimitPrice | N | Allowable high limit price for the trading day. A key parameter in validating order price. Used as the upper band for validating order prices. Orders submitted with prices above the upper limit will be rejected |
1150 | TradingReferencePrice | N | Reference price for the current trading price range usually representing the mid price between the HighLimitPrice and LowLimitPrice. The value may be the settlement price or closing price of the prior trading day. |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
2550 | NoPriceRangeRules | N | |
→2551 | StartPriceRange | N | Required if NoPriceRangeRules(2550) > 0. |
→2552 | EndPriceRange | N | |
→2553 | PriceRangeValue | N | Mutually exclusive with PriceRangePercentage(2554). |
→2554 | PriceRangePercentage | N | Mutually exclusive with PriceRangeValue(2553). |
→2556 | PriceRangeRuleID | N | Can be used to provide an identifier so that the rule can be reference via the ID elsewhere. |
→2555 | PriceRangeProductComplex | N | Can be used to limit price range to specific product suite. |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
2558 | NoQuoteSizeRules | N | |
→647 | MinBidSize | N | Required if NoQuoteSizeRules(2558) > 0. |
→648 | MinOfferSize | N | Required if NoQuoteSizeRules(2558) > 0. |
→2447 | FastMarketIndicator | N | Used to define the sizes applicable for fast market conditions. |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1657 | NoRequestingPartyIDs | N | |
→1658 | RequestingPartyID | N | Required when NoRequestingPartyIDs > 0. |
→1659 | RequestingPartyIDSource | N | Required when NoRequestingPartyIDs > 0. |
→1660 | RequestingPartyRole | N | Required when NoRequestingPartyIDs > 0. |
→2338 | RequestingPartyRoleQualifier | N | |
→Component | RequestingPartySubGrp | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1661 | NoRequestingPartySubIDs | N | |
→1662 | RequestingPartySubID | N | Required when NoRequestingPartySubIDs > 0. |
→1663 | RequestingPartySubIDType | N | Required when NoRequestingPartySubIDs > 0. |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
215 | NoRoutingIDs | N | |
→216 | RoutingType | N | Indicates type of RoutingID. Required if NoRoutingIDs is > 0. |
→217 | RoutingID | N | Identifies routing destination. Required if NoRoutingIDs is > 0. |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1205 | NoTickRules | N | |
→1206 | StartTickPriceRange | N | Required if NoTickRules(1205) > 0. |
→1207 | EndTickPriceRange | N | |
→1208 | TickIncrement | N | |
→1209 | TickRuleType | N | |
→2571 | TickRuleProductComplex | N | Can be used to limit tick rule to specific product suite. |
→1830 | SettlPriceIncrement | N | |
→1831 | SettlPriceSecondaryIncrement | N |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
1239 | NoTimeInForceRules | N | |
→59 | TimeInForce | N | Indicates time in force techniques that are valid for the specified market segment |
Tag | Name | Req’d | Description |
Component | OrdTypeRules | N | Specifies the order types that are valid for trading. The scope of the rule is determined by the context in which the component is used. In this case, the scope is trading session. |
Component | TimeInForceRules | N | Specifies the time in force rules that are valid for trading. The scope of the rule is determined by the context in which the component is used. In this case, the scope is trading session. |
Component | ExecInstRules | N | Specifies the execution instructions that are valid for trading. The scope of the rule is determined by the context in which the component is used. In this case, the scope is trading session. |
Component | AuctionTypeRuleGrp | N | Specifies the auction order types that are valid for trading on the identified. The scope of the rule is determined by the context in which the component is used. In this case, the scope is trading session. |
Component | MatchRules | N | Specifies the matching rules that are valid for trading. The scope of the rule is determined by the context in which the component is used. In this case, the scope is trading session. |
Component | MarketDataFeedTypes | N | Specifies the market data feed types that are valid for trading. The scope of the rule is determined by the context in which the component is used. In this case, the scope is trading session. |