Our Association has deep roots: established in 1957 under the name of FOREX Club Italy, it is the founder of the Italian financial associations. Thanks to the merge with Atic in 2001 and Assiom in 2009 (the latest deriving from the merge of Assobat and Aiote) ASSIOM FOREX is today the most important and representative...
Profile Category: EMEA 2021 - Trade Associations
Italian Association of Financial Market Intermediaries (ASSOSIM)
ASSOCIAZIONE INTERMEDIARI MERCATI FINANZIARI – ASSOSIM represents the interests of the intermediaries active on the Italian financial markets, namely, Italian investment firms, investment banks and subsidiaries of foreign investment services providers. ASSOSIM carries out advocacy and advisory activities, training and organization of conferences and seminars. Its members account for nearly the entire amount of the...
Federal Association of Securities Trading Firms (BWF)
The Bundesverband der Wertpapierfirmen e.V. (bwf) was founded in September 2003, under the then name Bundesverband der Wertpapierfirmen an den deutschen Börsen e.V., on the initiative of the previous federal associations of price brokers/financial intermediaries on the one hand and investment trading firms on the other. Since January 2004, it has continued the business of...
Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA)
The Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA) works to grow the alternative investment industry to benefit the world’s economy, savers and investors. To achieve this, we strengthen the links between fund managers, investors, regulators and industry service providers. Our thirty-year heritage means AIMA understands our members’ priorities, who access our resources to grow their businesses, create...
European Venues and Intermediaries Association (EVIA)
The European Venues and Intermediaries Association [‘EVIA’] promotes and enhances the value and competitiveness of wholesale markets trading venues, platforms and arranging intermediaries. It provides members with co-ordination and a common voice to foster and promote liquid, transparent and fair markets. As a highly respected focal point for the industry, EVIA delivers a clear and...
Swedish Securities Markets Association (SSMA)
The Swedish Securities Markets Association (Swedish: Svensk Värdepappersmarknad) was founded on 15th December 1908. The Association has 23 Swedish, Nordic and Global banks, investment banks and investment firms active on the Swedish securities markets as members. The Association’s mission is to work for sustainable and competitive Swedish securities markets. The Association has more than 50...
The Investment Association (IA)
The Investment Association (IA) champions UK asset management, supporting British savers, investors and businesses. Our 250 members manage £8.5 trillion of assets and the asset management industry supports 113,000 jobs across the UK. Our members range from small, independent UK investment firms to Europe-wide and global players. Our mission is to make investment better. Better for...
German Investment Funds Association (BVI)
BVI represents the interests of the German fund industry at national and international level. The association promotes sensible regulation of the fund business as well as fair competition vis-à-vis policy makers and regulators. Asset Managers act as trustees in the sole interest of the investor and are subject to strict regulation. Funds match funding investors...
Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME)
The Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME) is the voice of all Europe’s wholesale financial markets, providing expertise across a broad range of regulatory and capital markets issues. We represent the leading global and European banks and other significant capital market players. We advocate for deep and integrated European capital markets which serve the...
Electronic Debt Markets Association (EDMA)
Electronic Debt Markets Association represents the common interests of companies whose primary business is the operation of regulated electronic fixed income trading venues (multilateral trading facilities and regulated markets) in Europe. EDMA seeks to foster and promote liquid, transparent, safe and fair markets and act as the voice and a source of consultation between the...