

The European Principal Traders Association (FIA EPTA) represents Europe’s leading Principal Trading Firms. Our members are independent market makers and providers of liquidity and risk transfer for markets and end-investors across Europe. FIA EPTA works constructively with policymakers, regulators and other market stakeholders to ensure efficient, resilient and trusted financial markets in Europe.

Capital Market Denmark

Capital Market Denmark

Capital Market Denmark is a trade organization for members of regulated markets and others which main activities are related to the Danish securities market. The overall objective of Capital Market Denmark is to promote a sound and competitive capital market in Denmark as well as in the Nordic region, the rest of Europe and internationally....

Italian Association of Financial Market Intermediaries (ASSOSIM)

Italian Association of Financial Market Intermediaries (ASSOSIM)

ASSOCIAZIONE INTERMEDIARI MERCATI FINANZIARI – ASSOSIM represents the interests of the intermediaries active on the Italian financial markets, namely, Italian investment firms, investment banks and subsidiaries of foreign investment services providers. ASSOSIM carries out advocacy and advisory activities, training and organization of conferences and seminars. Its members account for nearly the entire amount of the...

Swedish Securities Markets Association (SSMA)

Swedish Securities Markets Association (SSMA)

The Swedish Securities Markets Association (Swedish: Svensk Värdepappersmarknad) was founded on 15th December 1908. The Association has 23 Swedish, Nordic and Global banks, investment banks and investment firms active on the Swedish securities markets as members. The Association’s mission is to work for sustainable and competitive Swedish securities markets. The Association has more than 50...