Founded in 2000, ARQA Technologies is a leading Russian vendor of software solutions to sell and buy-side players for automation of their front-middle-and-back-office operations in financial markets. It has about 300 clients that represent financial organizations from different countries.
The company’s flagship product is QUIK – a multi-instrument, multi-market front-end trading platform with connectivity to over 40 trading venues and sophisticated inbuilt risk management. It is used for proprietary operations and servicing clients.
ARQA Technologies offers a line of low-latency solutions for direct sponsored access with online pre-trade control, built on FIX protocol or native exchange APIs. One of the most popular solutions for complex trading is QUIK OMS – a classic toolkit for sell-side companies with Sales&Trading approach.
QUIK support is available throughout the trading hours of accessed exchanges. QUIK SaaS is provided from data centers in Moscow, Novosibirsk and London.
Another product line represents solutions for automation of middle-and-back-office operations that were built on QORT platform. midQORT ensures monitoring and management of clients’ positions and risks on all markets. capQORT is an asset manager’s tool for online position keeping, portfolio analysis and control. The last in line is backQORT that performs operational accounting and produces reports for regulators and clients.