Michael Bird is the Senior Managing Director of Triad Securities Corp., responsible for the firm’s sales, operations, finances an d new business development. Prior to Triad Securities, Mr. Bird spent 13 years a senior executive with Bank of America Merrill Lynch in New York. Most recently, as Managing Director, he headed and successfully grew two profitable divisions: Broadcort (trade clearing services) and Global Commission Management. Mr. Bird oversaw all aspects of both businesses including profitability, strategy, sales, technology, and client relationships. He was also active in a corporate-wide leadership and oversight capacity, as a member of the Firm’s Client Profitability Committee, Market Structure Committee, Alternative Payment Committee, and Senior Mentor Committee.
Mr. Bird’s previous executive roles include serving as Managing Director of Equity Trading at Dain Bosworth and as Senior Vice President of NASDAQ Trading at Robert W. Baird & Co.
Mr. Bird has held leadership roles in numerous securities industry associations. He was a member of the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA) Institutional Brokerage Committee from 2005 to 2013 and served as Chairman in 2010. He was a board member and national officer of the Security Trader Association (STA) between 1993 and 2003, and served as National Chairman in 2002. Mr. Bird is also former President of the STA of Wisconsin and a former member of the NASDAQ Market Surveillance Committee. In addition, he is a current member of the St. Jude Wall Street Committee.