Focuses on the buy-side to sell-side workflow for trades executed on a SEF utilizing a pre-trade allocation workflow as opposed to “bunched” trades.
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Equity Allocations Via FIX – Recommended Guidelines FIX 42-44 Examples and Notes
Contains examples associated with Equity Post-trade Processing via FIX, Guidelines, FIX 4.2, 4.4-V1.2.
Equity Allocations Via FIX – Recommended Guidelines v1.2.8
Defines industry guidelines for a common usage of the FIX Protocol for post-trade processing between buy-sides and sell-sides that can be used bi-laterally as well as through intermediary facilities. UPDATE: 20171003 – Includes MiFID II recommended practices for post-trade commission unbundling and representation of commission types.
IPO Recommended Practices/Guidelines
Creates a practice that would bring the new issue order placing process in line with the same procedure used for secondary market orders and trade fills.
Best Practices for Bonds
Focuses on best practices for the cash bond markets, covering the vast majority of electronically traded bonds, including G8 Government bonds, High Yield, Corporates, Supras/Agencies.
Best Practices for Bonds – Pre-Trade Indications
Defines a standard for the transmission of Indications – Axes Inventories and Runs.
Best Practices for Swaps (Phase 3)
Support for the following workflows has been included as part of Phase 3 of the swaps best practices: recommendations to support the new regulations for SEFs; mid-market mark, US vs. non-US person, block trades, required vs. permitted transactions, etc., guidance on how to send tiered prices i.e. different prices for the same instrument to multiple...
Recommended Practices for Party Entitlements – FX OTC Markets
Defines a standard set of guidelines based on Party Reference Data messages for exchanging enablement information for trading both Foreign Exchange as well as Fixed Income OTC instruments.
Recommended Practices for Party Entitlement: OTC Markets – Fixed Income Instruments
Provides detailed guidelines for the implementation of party entitlement messages for Fixed Income OTC electronic markets.
Recommended Practices for Party Entitlements – OTC Markets – Swaps
Defines a standard set of guidelines based on Party Reference Data messages for exchanging enablement information for trading Fixed Income OTC instruments.