
EP146 Parties Reference Data Transactions

Further extension to EP105, EP128, and EP129 to support transactional flow for party detail, risk limits and entitlements. The extension covers the following: Messages to support transactions (Add, Delete, Modify) that define Party Details, e.g. lists of parties, their status, and their relationships with each other. Message to support disseminating incremental updates to Entitlements (e.g....


EP195 Eurex Reference Data Extensions

This extension pack, initiated by Eurex, includes a number of extensions to the standard FIX reference data messages and components as well as a number of new components and a single new message, the MarketDataReport message. FIX Specification Corrections Corrections to the FIX Specification for EP105 and EP126 were applied in EP195. These included: EP126...


EP105 Parties Reference Data Enhancements

A set of new messages for requesting and returning party details, relationships, and risk limits. Entitlement information (EP129) as well as the ability to define and maintain party details, entitlements and risk limits are covered by separate extension proposals that have either already been approved or submitted to the GTC. Update History [Resolved 2015-08-17] The...